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Democratic Convention

MC Just

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Jul 26 2004, 11:50 PM'] Any of ya'll watching this??? they are making me sick to my stomache.... [/quote]
I'm not into daytime drama so I don't watch it.

I also don't want to go to bed mad, I hate it when people lie.

God Bless,

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I watched some of the commentary. No surprises. "They're extremists who hate everyone and want to take money from babies and give it to the rich!"

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[quote]"They're extremists who hate everyone and want to take money from babies and give it to the rich!"[/quote]

Lol...Said the baby killers.

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i particularly enjoyed Ronald Reagan's own flesh-and-blood son standing up in front of a Democratic Convention and using his father's name to peddle his views on embryoitc stem-cell research.

!@#%& (insert vulgar exclamation of your choice, i prefer the equivalent of "blessed dung".......if you know what i mean)

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' date='Jul 28 2004, 03:54 PM'] Kinda off topic, but did anyone watch the O'Reilly factor last night? [/quote]
yea...........awesome debate between o'reily and michael moore (of farenheit 911 fame)

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You missed that masterpiece [i]that was[/i] Theresa Heinz Kerry's speech! Actually it was the worst speech I have ever seen in my life. Bad and boring enough even for the news commentators to make fun of her after she was [finally] finished.

Edited by thedude
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I only watch the highlights on the Today show because I always watch it when I get ready for work. That couple minutes is about all I can handle.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Am I the only one sickened by whenever they've refered to abortion at the convention, it's proceded by "a woman's right to." Makes me want to puke when they start clapping over it. "Yea! Hurrah for baby-killing!" :wacko:

Edited by 1337 k4th0l1x0r
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[quote name='thedude' date='Jul 28 2004, 04:42 PM'] Ironmonk,
You missed that masterpiece [i]that was[/i] Theresa Heinz Kerry's speech! Actually it was the worst speech I have ever seen in my life. Bad and boring enough even for the news commentators to make fun of her after she was [finally] finished. [/quote]
I really liked Theresa Heinz Kerry's and Obama's speeches. Theresa's ran a little long, but I think that was mainly because she spoke more slowly than everyone else. She has a great story.

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I'm a democrat on a lot of issues, and I'm a republican on a lot of issues as well... and nothing these people say is really going to be new aside from sob stories about how Kerry won three purple hearts or the republicans saying how Bush is a family man who is just as exciting as Kerry.

I think Conan O'Brien put it best 'Wow... if these are the Democrats... you can only imagine how entertaining the Republican convention is going to be" (in response to the democrats dancing and cheering and looking like total idiots).

Why is it that whenever I watch US politics I get the impression that they are spending all their time trying to play into demographics? You never see youths, and they never zoom in on two white people in a row. They also never show any ugly people or fat people. They are trying to make the US look like an attractive equally culturally split nation thats all over the age of 40. :wacko:

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God Conquers

Ron jr. was promoting more than stem cell research, he was promoting Human Cloning.

Also, is abortion actually a RIGHT in the US? As in, constitutionally protected?

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='God Conquers' date='Jul 29 2004, 07:14 AM'] Ron jr. was promoting more than stem cell research, he was promoting Human Cloning.

Also, is abortion actually a RIGHT in the US? As in, constitutionally protected? [/quote]
They want you to think that it's not only a right, but is a women's right. They want us to look like we're protesting against women when we protest against abortion. The pro-choice crowd uses some very filthy tactics.

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