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Prayer Petition Board


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If you guys have any prayer petitions, mention them here and I'm sure everyone will be more than happy to pray for them....right guys? happy.gif

Here's my first one...

My neighbor's 5 year old son was admitted to the ER today. He was coughing up blood and they pumped his stomach...they only got more blood from that. They are running some tests now and they think he's gonna be okay...but just pray for him, please? I love that little boy, he's my baby!! :(

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don't worry kiddo...he's in my prayers...

Can ya'll pray for my brother. He's 14 & he's just not fitting in anywhere. He ONLY goes to church b/c his "friends" are there & b/c there's girls! Also can you pray for me, that I might find the courage to listen to what God is telling me about the things going wrong in my life! thanks guys!

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yes, ma'am, and yes, ma'am!

i have prayed for your intentions......may your neighbor, the little boy, be protected and healed by the Blessed Mother

and that the zeal for Christ be rekindled for your 14 yr old brother!

St. Therese, Pray for us! -_- -_-

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  littleflower said:
yes, ma'am, and yes, ma'am!

i have prayed for your intentions......may your neighbor, the little boy, be protected and healed by the Blessed Mother

and that the zeal for Christ be rekindled for your 14 yr old brother!

St. Therese, Pray for us! -_-  -_-

ditto that for me!

I'm praying for your intentions. :P

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Yep yep, thank you guys so much! I'll let you all know when I find out how Tyrell is doing!

I also have another request...pray for me....because I take my test for my driver's license on Wednesday (the 9th) at 1:45. I'm really hoping I don't fail!!

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girlie you won't fail I promise.... & if you do, then you just get right back in the driver's seat & take it again!..b/c hey, I had to get back in that driver's seat, & guess what, I also turned left onto Bryan on Sunday night...but I also had Michalle following me home

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Yay! You're makin progress! LOL. Well, I have a small update on Tyrell (the neighbor child)

He came home last night. His mom said that they let him out of the hospital because he could hold down food. So he has a follow-up appt tomorrow. But they still don't know what's wrong with him...so keep prayin! Thank you guys so much, you're so amesome!

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I been watching and praying for you guys too.

Will you all remember in your prayers two of my friends and their families. My friends Matt, and Karissa (two of my best friends) - well Karissa's grandpa died yesterday and Matt's died about an hour ago. Both have been sick for quite awhile, and it was kind of expected, but it's rough either way. If you could just say a prayer for their families I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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For my brother...

He was comparing how "bad" his life is to how "good" mine is. I think he's getting kinda depressed. And he has a bit of an anger problem.

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y'all please pray for my family so that my brother and littlest sister can hold fast to the Catholic faith, and for my mother so that she can find it. also please pray for my dad because i know all this is hard on him. i'm praying for y'all and y'alls intentions. and hey GTC, thanks for starting this up, it was a great idea!

mucho love in Christ-o :unsure:


p.s. glad to hear tyrell got to come home!

Edited by sem1357
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Oh definatly.....I'm so happy to hear that the little tyke came home. I can't wait for him to come running to my car in the future!!...lol K1.

But ummm yea...you guys...please pray for GTC....she had a hard day...& I don't know if she wants me to say anything, so I'm not, but just please pray for her....she's my little sister, & I feel like I can't do anything for her...so I'm justp putting this request on here for her hoping it will help. Love you guys

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