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Taking Someone Off Life Support


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Hi, my grandmother is in the hospital and is not expected to live. She has several problems and is only really being sustained by a respirator. She cannot breathe on her own, but the respirator is breathing for her. Is it morally right to take her off the respirator and let her die?

note: please [u]just[/u] keep her in your prayers

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7/27 - St. Felix


I am very sorry to hear of your grandmother's condition; know of our prayers.

When it comes to medical procedures, such as respirators, dialysis, surgeries, &c., if it is an ordinary means of sustaining life, one does not have to undergo the treatment if one of three conditions are met:

1.) If the treatment is extremely painful and will not extend one's life for a considerable period of time, one does not have to submit to treatment. For instance, if an operation will extend my life by 24 hours, but anasthetic cannot be used, I don't have to let myself be operated upon.

2.) If the treatment is exorbatantly (sic) costly, one does not have to undergo it.

3.) If the treatment is extremely inconvenient, one does not have to submit to treatment. For instance, if an operation will extend my life for a period of time, but my family and I have to go to Bangkok for it to be performed, I don't have to undergo it.

I know that, in times of sorrow, answers like these don't make much sense - but I'm confined to what the internet allows me to do. Again, know of my sorrow and of my prayers. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

Pio Nono

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