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It's such a mind shift from 'once saved, always saved' and being able to pray to God for forgiveness for our sins and receive 'bread and wine in memory of...' to receiving the sacrament of penance and the body and blood of Our Lord isn't it?

Am I the only one who finds it painful not to be able to receive the Blessed Sacrament because I haven't been to confession? Sometimes I miss mass during the week because I just can't bear it.....

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I decided a while back, that if I'm in a state of mortal sin I would make a point of not going up, not even to recieve a blessing. This is so that people would see and maybe stop short and think about it. Are they in a state of Grace? Do they know what it entails? Stuff like that, I know that when one of my friends didn't go up and I asked why, she told me it was because she hadn't gone to confession. That was the first time I understood that there was a correlation between confessing and taking communion. I hope that when kids see me be the only one in the whole set of pews not going up that they might ask their parents why and get them to think about it.
This of course would be less of a teaching tool during weekday Mass because those parishioners more than likely are in the know. Although I do feel a connection with them because I can relate to how earnest and serious they take their faith (Though I only go to weekday Mass once or twice a month) I also like to think about boosting parishioner moral by them seeing a young girl go to weekday Mass.

This might sound a bit too artificial and too 'who's looking at me'. But I think, just like we need statues and stain-glass windows to help us with our faith, we need living breathing examples of other parishioners to help us too. I know that just by observing some really devout laymen and layteenagers, I've become more bolstered to follow their example.

So I guess this is where Offering it Up comes into play. In not taking the Eucharist I ask that the Lord use my suffering to help other people grow in their faiths.

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[quote name='Ellenita' date='Jul 25 2004, 12:41 PM'] It's such a mind shift from 'once saved, always saved' and being able to pray to God for forgiveness for our sins and receive 'bread and wine in memory of...' to receiving the sacrament of penance and the body and blood of Our Lord isn't it?
Yes... this is a terribly hard mind shift to make...

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there is a spiritual communion prayer for those who desire and wish to recieve Jesus but are unable........


tho the times i have been unable to recieve communion i almost cry right there......

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[quote name='littleflower' date='JMJ+Jul 25 2004, 08:07 PM']

tho the times i have been unable to recieve communion i almost cry right there...... [/quote]
WOW... i wish that was me. although sometimes i do feel bad when i can't recieve.

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I always try to be in a state of grace at least for Sunday. Normaly during the week if I sin mortaly the very next thought is "I hope I don't work on Saturday because I need to see Father." LO!L

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Brother Adam

What bothers me is going to confession, seeing a whole 4 people there, and then seeing almost the entire congregation take communion on Sunday. Granted I can't judge....but I wonder if only 4 in the entire congregation should be going. . .

Right now I'm going to confession, but am waiting to take the Eucharist until my wife is ready to.

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Wow! Really... that raises an interesting question (one that I have thought about before under different circomstances)... and this isn't a knock at you, Adam, because I can completely understand why you are doing this. Maybe I'll just go make a new thread on the Open Mic.

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i do know that alot of ppl go during the week at and many times make it a point to go to confession at another parish but their own

but i do know my priest,said he might as well put statues up of our parishoners instead of the saints since they go to and recieve the eucharist yet he hasn't seen them in confession, and if they have'nt gone (there or anywhere else) therefore must not be sinning..... :rolleyes:

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[quote name='littleflower' date='JMJ+Jul 26 2004, 09:07 AM'] i do know that alot of ppl go during the week at and many times make it a point to go to confession at another parish but their own

but i do know my priest,said he might as well put statues up of our parishoners instead of the saints since they go to  and recieve the eucharist yet he hasn't seen them in confession, and if they have'nt gone (there or anywhere else) therefore must not be sinning.....  :rolleyes: [/quote]
I go to confession at a different parish than I attend. The parish I confess at offers daily confession, while my parish only offers once a week on Saturday afternoons. It's just a lot easier to find time to do it during the week for me, so that's when I fit it in.

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yeah thats what i do cuz all day im out of town since school, work is away from home ( i commute 30 miles) ......and some parishes have it at really covinent times (like at nite) and maybe more than one's home parish may offer......

lol i hope my smiley didn't make anyone think i didnt' believe anyone went to parish away from home :unsure:(cuz i do that myself) it was for the idea that some ppl are saints LOL and dont seem to make time for confession :rolling: :sweat:

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I think if Novus Ordo churches offered Confession before Mass more people would go, instead of having it on Saturday night or like my old Novus Ordo church had AFTER the Saturday morn Mass. That makes no sense.

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if im not in a state of grace i just go up to Father before weekday Mass and ask for a quick confession because i cant bear not being able 2 recieve Communion :(

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 26 2004, 06:29 AM'] What bothers me is going to confession, seeing a whole 4 people there, and then seeing almost the entire congregation take communion on Sunday. Granted I can't judge....but I wonder if only 4 in the entire congregation should be going. . .

Right now I'm going to confession, but am waiting to take the Eucharist until my wife is ready to. [/quote]
At the parish we went to in Auburn, and at our current parish (which has two hours of confession on Saturday and an hour on the eve of First Friday) we have to get there early in order to get in and out in 45 minutes.

Unfortunately, even though there are long lines at our parish, most of the people waiting in them are older (like over 60). Jared and I are usually the youngest ones there.

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Not all Novus Ordo masses lack a confession time prior to the masses. I've went to that one for the past 2 weeks. I go to mass daily, but If I can't receive, it's hard to go to mass knowing I'll see Him, but thats all I can do. It bothers me.

Anyways, adoration should be the perfect thing to help in the transition from symbol to Real Presence.

God bless,


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