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Movie Quotes


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Since I accidentally hijacked the window thread, and I LOVE movie quotes, everybody throw your favorites out there! FREE FOR ALL!!!

"You're killin' me, Smalls!" - Sandlot

Edited by ryanmeyersmusic
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"Well I feel sheepish"

"Do you smoke, mind if I do"

"Of all the wonders of the world, oh to be free"

"Phenominal cosmic powers, iddy bitty living space"

~All from "Aladdin"!!!

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"Well I feel sheepish"

"Do you smoke, mind if I do"

"Of all the wonders of the world, oh to be free"

"Phenominal cosmic powers, iddy bitty living space"

~All from "Aladdin"!!!

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"When you look in her eyes and she's looking back in yours, everything feels not quite normal. because you feel stronger and yet weaker at the same time. you feel excited and at the same time terrified. the truth is you don't know what you feel. except you know what kind of man you want to be. it's as if you've reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it."

~Spiderman :wub:

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  ryanmeyersmusic said:
Since I accidentally hijacked the window thread, and I LOVE movie quotes, everybody throw your favorites out there!  FREE FOR ALL!!!

"You're killin' me, Smalls!"  - Sandlot

oh my gosh!! you too mine!!! that was MY line!

just kidding! yeah, i too love the sandlot!!

let me see....

"eating greens is a special treat,

it makes big long ears and great big feet....

but it sure is awful stuff to eat!

i made that last part up myself!"

--Thumper from Bambi

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+JMJ, as long as you're on Bambi...

"If you don't have anything nice to say...don't say nothin' at all!"

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also from Bambi....

"and when it feels like your light-headed. like your walking on air...thats when you know .......YOUR twidapaded!"

--wise owl from Bambi on when to know when your in love...

Edited by littleflower+JMJ
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"Let me put it this way... you know Plato, Aristotle? Idiots." Princess Bride.

"I think that's the most horrible thing I've ever heard. How wonderful." ditto

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"Mind your manners!"

"Yeah, mind yo mannews!"--Bambi

"I love the smell of Starbucks House Blend Decaf in the morning."--Apocalypse Now

Ooops! Misquote---That's what [u]I say!

In the movie, he loves the smell of napalm.

I'll stick with the Starbucks, thanks... :lol:

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Kilroy the Ninja

"I've got a bad feeling about this."

- Every Star Wars movie ever made. Also ever character in 'em.

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"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega" - Mallrats (which is probably morally offensive, but its still a darn funny quote)

"Have fun storming the Castle" - Princess Bride

"I believe you have my Stapler" - Office Space

"There's no crying in Baseball!" - A league of their Own

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"Just before they went into warp, I beamed the whole kit and kaboodle into their engine room, where they'll be no tribble at all." -- Scotty, explaining how he got rid of the tribbles (The Trouble With Tribbles)

"Logic is the beginning of wisdom; not the end." -- Spock (Star Trek VI)

Chekov: "Course heading, Captain?"

Kirk: "Second star to the right, and straight on 'til morning."

--"STVI:TUC", Stardate 9523.8

The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say


Aragorn: * Talking to the hobbits * "Gentlemen, we do not stop until nightfall."

Pippin: "What about breakfast?"

Aragorn: "You've already had it."

Pippin: "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?"

Aragorn: * Just turns and walks away *

Merry: "I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."

Pippin: * Looking concerned * "What about elevensies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"

Merry: "I wouldn't count on it."

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I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates who said, "I drank what?" - Real Genius

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