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MC Just

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Commie????? How is that?? It was communism that knocked crosses off of churches in russia, Liberalism is no different, they are trying to remove the ten commandment monument from the court house, they removed prayer from school and are trying to remove God's name from money. Whose taking whose free will and rights away huh? You remove God, you remove Freedom.

Edited by MC Just
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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='Chris Zewe' date='Jul 23 2004, 11:20 AM']

C :( mmie [/quote]
Are you trying to offend us with the "Commie" name calling? Because if you knew anything about anything you would know that ideal Communism is something anyone who wants true peace would strive for. Now, ideal communism [i]cannot exist in human society[/i] simply because we are human and we are selfish. But trying to offend us by calling us communists is just plain uneducated.

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So Chris, do you think the U.S. should repeal all its laws against murder, theft, fraud, pedophilia, rape, drunk driving, drug use, etc. because there are those who choose to act that way? As a Wiccan, don't you believe in doing what you want just so long as it doesn't harm anyone? If you believe that, then you can't say that people have an absolute right to do whatever they want. Besides, the things the Church teaches against are forbidden precisely because they DO hurt people, be it others or yourself. Same with things that are forbidden by civil law. Of course, civil law doesn't always do a good job in forbidding what needs to be forbidden. For example, it allows abortion. But we know that the Church forbids abortion, and God's law is heads and shoulders above man's law.

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[i]This post has been edited by littleflower+JMJ on Jul 23 2004, 11:25 AM [/i]

You took away the word commie...I thought I was being clever, too, using a frowning face as the "o" =(.

[i]Actually the US is far less secular than any other major country in the world. In fact, it's become a popular joke in Europe to muse about the naivety of the Americans in their beliefs that God still exists. Not very Nietzsche of us and all that.

The human secularists in America want America to be secular. But it's not. It was founded by deists and populated with Christians. Certainly NOT secular. [/i]

I wasn't trying to talk about HOW secular the USA is, I was just saying that you can't eliminate free will or anti-Christian culture just because the church wants it.

[i]Commie????? How is that?? It was communism that knocked crosses off of churches in russia, Liberalism is no different, they are trying to remove the ten commandment monument from the court house, they removed prayer from school and are trying to remove God's name from money. Whose taking whose free will and rights away huh? You remove God, you remove Freedom. [/i]

Communism eliminates an individual's right to...individuality. Which is exactly what taking away free will does.

NOTE: I do not necessarily agree with the following, I'm just saying this for arguement's sake.
The Ten Commandment monument has no reason to be in a court house. Religion and law do not mix in the USA, thus, they should be kept apart. Prayer NEEDED removed from school (I agree with that part). What's an atheist or agnostic supposed to do during prayer time? I've been told that some followers of certain faiths can meditate in that time period, but it's obvious that there's not nearly enough time to do that. There's no reason to support Christianity/Judaism/Islam above other religions. Especially not in a public school. If you want prayer time, go to a Catholic school. As for God's name on money...I feel that it doesn't really affect anyone, and I myself could not care less what my money says, but the people who want it removed make a valid point: Why should God's name be on money and not some Hindu god? Why do we need religion on money anyway?

[i]Are you trying to offend us with the "Commie" name calling? Because if you knew anything about anything you would know that ideal Communism is something anyone who wants true peace would strive for. Now, ideal communism cannot exist in human society simply because we are human and we are selfish. But trying to offend us by calling us communists is just plain uneducated.[/i]

No, I was calling you communists because you want to remove free will and such. Also in communism, everyone gets the same no matter how had they work. That's ridiculous. If you're a guy developing oil saving technology, would you want the same pay as the guy who hands out food stamps? No, and you wouldn't deserve it, either.

[i]So Chris, do you think the U.S. should repeal all its laws against murder, theft, fraud, pedophilia, rape, drunk driving, drug use, etc. because there are those who choose to act that way? As a Wiccan, don't you believe in doing what you want just so long as it doesn't harm anyone? If you believe that, then you can't say that people have an absolute right to do whatever they want. Besides, the things the Church teaches against are forbidden precisely because they DO hurt people, be it others or yourself. Same with things that are forbidden by civil law. Of course, civil law doesn't always do a good job in forbidding what needs to be forbidden. For example, it allows abortion. But we know that the Church forbids abortion, and God's law is heads and shoulders above man's law.[/i]

I think that drunk driving and drug laws need to be less harsh, but that's a different story... As a Wiccan, yes I do believe that, however, unlike you, I understand that I have no right to go around imposing my religion on everyone. Also according to Wicca, people do what they do and accept the consequences. You have the option to break laws. If you choose to, fine, just accept the consequences. As for your last line...see my bit about imposing your religion on everyone.

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I don't have time to edit every time you call us all communists, but I strongly suggest you take a gander at the Phorum Guidelines. There's a rule about not making personal attacks and calling us commies just so happens to fall under that rule.

[quote]Personal Attacks- a post or comment that has nothing to do with the topic, but is specifically meant to upset or criticize another person or group of people. This includes, but is not limited to, calling people "heretics" (used in a derogatory manner), "democrooks", etc.[/quote]


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God Conquers

The mere idea of communism goes against the teaching of the Catholic Church. We can not, nor will we ever be, communists.

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[i]But when you say we should let people do what they want, you're imposing your religion on us! [/i]

Don't play word games with me, you're being restrictive, I'm not.

[i]The mere idea of communism goes against the teaching of the Catholic Church. We can not, nor will we ever be, communists. [/i]

Perhaps calling you communists was a bit extreme. However, MC Just supports a prime communistic belief.

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[quote name='Chris Zewe' date='Jul 23 2004, 12:50 PM'] [i]But when you say we should let people do what they want, you're imposing your religion on us! [/i]

Don't play word games with me, you're being restrictive, I'm not.

[i]The mere idea of communism goes against the teaching of the Catholic Church. We can not, nor will we ever be, communists. [/i]

Perhaps calling you communists was a bit extreme. However, MC Just supports a prime communistic belief. [/quote]
Dont tell me what I support. I'm not communistic. I'm against those who stand up for a culture of death and immorality.

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[quote name='Chris Zewe' date='Jul 23 2004, 01:50 PM'] [i]But when you say we should let people do what they want, you're imposing your religion on us! [/i]

Don't play word games with me, you're being restrictive, I'm not.

No, sir, your system is truly restrictive because it puts one in bondage to Satan and can only lead to hell.

God's system, on the other hand, leads to true freedom and will lead to heaven if we follow it and never stop. Christ came to set us free from the devil.

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You can't offer a real argument against what we believe or what is being said in this thread when you haven't even read the article you are trying to put down.

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[i]Dont tell me what I support. I'm not communistic. I'm against those who stand up for a culture of death and immorality.[/i]

You're the one who said free thinking in private and public lives needs to be eliminated.

[i]No, sir, your system is truly restrictive because it puts one in bondage to Satan and can only lead to hell.

God's system, on the other hand, leads to true freedom and will lead to heaven if we follow it and never stop. Christ came to set us free from the devil.[/i]

Way to base your arguement on a farçe. First, in order to ACCEPT what you said, I would first need to BELIEVE in Satan. Which I don't. An equivalent would be telling you to drink Danimal's Gogurt or the Teal Firebreathing Gorilla will peck out your eyes with his four beaks.

And MY system doesn't place restraints on people[color=red] [Edited by Ice Princess: personal attack] [/color]yours does. With the Wiccan set of beliefs people do what they do and take responsibility for their actions. We don't believe in blaming Satan for our mistakes or wrongdoings. Also with my system, you have the OPTION to believe in God and Satan. With yours, you either believe or burn.

Edited by littleflower+JMJ
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have you read hte article chris?

and please stop making personal attacks...its really easy to call ppl names but its hard to actually debate, and thats what this board is for.


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it was just......two minutes ago.... :blink: and you wrote it yourself ... how can you just forget?

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