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Saintly Apparitions

God Conquers

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in the entry at New Advent on [url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09128a.htm"][b]Legends of the Saints[/b][/url] i found this paragraph:[list]
[*]Concerning the miraculous occurrences at the grave of St. Peter Parenzo at Orvieto (d. 1199) -- an exhaustive list cannot be attempted here; we quote but a few examples -- of St. Bertrand of Aquilcia (d. 1350), of St. Helena of Udina (1458), of St. James Philippi of Faenza (1483), of St. Hypolistus of Atripalda (1637-46), of St. Juventius in Casa Dei (at Rouen, 1667-74), we have documentary accounts (Acta SS., May, V, 98-9; June, I, 791 sqq.; April, III, 255; May, VI, 166 sqq.; 1 May, appendix, VII, 528; June, I, 45 sqq.).
[/list]i understand this to be a list of saints that have appeared in the form of an apparition at the grave of St. Peter Parenzo. if so, this would be an excellent testament to the existence of apparitions of saints besides those of the Holy Family.

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God Conquers

Excellent, thanks guys and gals.

God certainly is not limited in who He can place where. It is more the significance which gets me.

Why might God choose to begin sending saints as apparitions?

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I don't think anyone else has mentioned this yet, but remember, St. Joan of Arc had saints and angels appear to her, too. (I can't recall exactly which saints it was right now, I'd have to look it up....) I'd definately take Polar Bear's advice and talk to your priest of spiritual director, too.

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God Conquers

Definately being done. It's not like I'm seeing visions or anything serious like that, just that a few people around me and on mission have experienced soem wacky coincidences (most definately God-instances).

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Didn't Saint Michael appear to her, too? (For some reason the only two I could think of were St. Michael and St. Monica and I was fairly certain Monica wasn't one who appeared to her. I've been away from home all week, now that I'm back I'm just kind of relaxing and my brain isn't yet functioning properly. lol)

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It looks like we were both half right, Flash. :D I finally took a minute to look it up.

From newadvent.org:

[quote]It was at the age of thirteen and a half, in the summer of 1425, that Joan first became conscious of that manifestation, whose supernatural character it would now be rash to question, which she afterwards came to call her "voices" or her "counsel." It was at first simply a voice, as if someone had spoken quite close to her, but it seems also clear that a blaze of light accompanied it, and that later on she clearly discerned in some way the appearance of those who spoke to her, recognizing them individually as St. Michael (who was accompanied by other angels), St. Margaret, St. Catherine, and others. Joan was always reluctant to speak of her voices. She said nothing about them to her confessor, and constantly refused, at her trial, to be inveigled into descriptions of the appearance of the saints and to explain how she recognized them. None the less, she told her judges: "I saw them with these very eyes, as well as I see you." [/quote]


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  • 1 year later...

St. Catherine, St. Margaret and St. Michael appeared to St. Joan of Arc. oops ,that was already posted :blush:

Edited by avemaria40
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God Conquers

Hey wow! Old School.

People around me keep having these crazy apparitions on their cameras...

Last year St. Therese the little flower appeared in a picture at adoration, it shows her clearly adoring Christ in the eucharist.

This year, momma Mary showed up miraculously on a friend's camera when he took a picture of the apparition site at Banneaux.


Both were instances of conversion for different people I know... so the fruits are pretty evident.

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