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Saintly Apparitions

God Conquers

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God Conquers

My Holy and Wise phatmass Pham,

This question is really important for me and possibly many others right now, so if you are able to give me an answer I and we would greatly appreciate it:

Has there ever been a recorded and Church Sanctioned instance of an apparition of a Saint?

I have never heard of this before, and the wuestion is vitally important right now.

I'm thinking specifically to an event of private revelation displayed through physical manifestation. Has the image of a saint ever been captured in pictures or on objects in the same way that Christ and Our Lady have?

Please provide me with examples if you can.

God Bless and Thank You,


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Michael the Archangel--http://magnificat.ca/cal/engl/05-08.htm

St. Joseph--http://www.nd-de-graces.com/history/apparstjoseph.htm

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At Fatima Our Lady wasn't the only one who appeared. At the final apparition, St. Joseph also appeared holding the Christ child, and he blessed the crowd that was there.

Btw, Matt, it's great seeing you here again! :D

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I believe that there are two terms used in this case. The first is the church will say that it is not "contradictory" to the Church's teaching. This happens with many of the famous appirations.
However, besides those mentioned above very few are are "sanctioned" and none at all ( of the ones past the time of Christ) are proclaimed "necessary for salvation"

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Flash makes an awesome point, and Polar Bear beat me to the punch.

Private Revelation adds nothing to an already founded faith, they are just wonderful gifts from God. And With God there everything is possible, so why not saints posing for pics?

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[quote name='Dave' date='Jul 19 2004, 11:38 AM'] At Fatima Our Lady wasn't the only one who appeared. At the final apparition, St. Joseph also appeared holding the Christ child, and he blessed the crowd that was there. [/quote]
Yes, I was about to say that. I don;t know about any other apparitions of Saints that were sanctioned by the Church, but in the last Fatima apparition Our Lady appeared with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. :)

Hmmm...while looking for some more info I came to several eye-witness accounts of the Last Fatima apparition :cool:


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God Conquers

Thanks guys, you're all great.

I'm aware that it would not be a "necessary for salvation" question, but I'm more trying to figure out what God is trying to reveal through some miraculous occurances.

Say a certain saint were to appear several times, or situations involving that saint kept coming up, what could God be saying, other than the obvious "Devotion to this saint right now would be good" ?

PS: Thanks Dave! I'll be back in a bigger way in a few months, once school starts up again and I'm off mission.

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I think that's a matter to discuss with you spiritual director--especially as regards the authenticity of the apparitions.

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Oh wait, I just thought of another one! When Our Lady appeared at Knock in Ireland, St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist appeared with her.

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Just thinking out loud...

Both Jesus and Mary have their bodies in Heaven, but the other saints do not have glorified bodies yet. Would this make a difference?

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[quote name='VeraMaria' date='Jul 19 2004, 10:14 AM'] Yes, I was about to say that. I don;t know about any other apparitions of Saints that were sanctioned by the Church, but in the last Fatima apparition Our Lady appeared with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus. :)

Hmmm...while looking for some more info I came to several eye-witness accounts of the Last Fatima apparition :cool:

[url="http://www.ewtn.com/fatima/apparitions/October.htm"]http://www.ewtn.com/fatima/apparitions/October.htm[/url] [/quote]
I think there might be one of St. Padre Pio actually.

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St. Michael the Archangel has appeared more than once:

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