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What Happened To All The Phatmass Apologists?


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Wasn't there more defenders of the faith around here back in the day? What happened to them all? Who remembers the old phatmass? What's going on? Where's my cocoa puffs? Who framed Roger Rabbit?

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I would help more, but I am learning quite a bit from being here myself. I'm a very uninformed Catholic who is trying to become more educated in my faith. I don't think I'm ready to be an apologetic yet. I hope soon though :D

Sorry about the cocoa puffs. I was hungry!

As for Roger Rabbit, I plead the 5th!

Edited by Carrie
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Good question....

We did gain another...


He's a buddy that helped me on the anti-Catholic board I went to a lot before coming on this one...

The man is amazing... He's got a public apologetic debate coming up soon, pray for him.

Seems like Dave is up there too...

Haven't seen Katholikos in a while, I hope he's ok... anyone know? He has some medical things going on.... please pray for him...

Nice to see JasJis back on the board...

Good Friday seems to be on fire lately...

(sorry if I left anyone out...)

God Bless,


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I dont know, i'm working on becoming an apologist but I have a bad temper when it comes to ignorant people. It's weird how you can provide proof, writings etc.. We can show that our faith is perfectly biblical but the un-believers are blinded by their ignorance. It's sad.

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Thomas Michael

I am not good at debating things at all. I'm not even much of a talker. I'm too much on the liberal side anyway. So I'm better off leaving the apologetic stuff to more capable people. :rolleyes:

Edited by Thomas Michael
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  Thomas Michael said:
I am not good at debating things at all. I'm not even much of a talker. I'm too much on the liberal side anyway. So I'm better off leaving the apologetic stuff to more capable people.  :rolleyes:


What you posted indicates the biggest problem. I have to take breaks every once in a while because so often when the Catholic Apologists explain or defend, it ends up as a Catholic to Catholic arguement of claiming one or the other is too liberal or too conservative. Other times it's because a Catholic to Catholic arguement about how are tone is. So and so is too harsh and bludgeons with the Truth. So and so is too soft and obscures the Truth. Different people respond to different methods. Some times it boils down to basic interpresonal communcation techniques.

Remember that quiz a lot of us took some time ago that said what kind of Catholic we were? Though it was flawed, most people scored very orthodox and it seemed most thought they would be more 'liberal' or more 'traditional'.

Personally, I like the fact the Catholic Church has 'liberals' and 'traditionalists'. I think we can be either and still be Orthodox. We muddy the water too much when we go off the deep end as far as triple and quadruple checking on each other's 'Othodoxy'.

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I would just like to say that part of why I'm here is to learn more about my faith, and to be inspired to learn even more about Catholicism. Everyone here helps me do that. But..........................I'm still new on the whole apologetics stuff here. So give us a break, dUSt!

Maybe I'd be more inspired if you changed my title to "Church Faithful" or "Catholics" or something! :D Hint, Hint!

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Kilroy the Ninja

Don John is working and doesn't have (a lot of) access to the internet.... so that's where he's been.

I'm still lurking, but am busy with housework. Not that I'm much of an apologist....


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Sorry everyone. I don't want everyone to be expected to be an apologist. This place would be pretty lame if that happened! I was just trying to remember all the ones who use to love to debate, but don't do it anymore...

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Its hard to know when its safe to debate, sometimes. As JasJis pointed out, the inter-Catholic debates can be brutal. I get too worn out defending my faith all day at work. Different styles take a while to get used to, and while you're figuring it out, it can be very trying.


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I just don't know how to explain things, how to put my thoughts into words....i'm really horrible at that, then people get the wrong meaning, then they get mad.....i just mess things up.

Sorry, dust, but I'm just a failed apologist.....and very uneducated.....whatever.....i'm here to give you talented people moral support!!

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