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Does The Bible Contradict Itself In Anyway?

Paladin D

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only if you interpret it to have contradictions. (and if that's the case then we might just say that you're full of contradictions :lol: )

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i would say there are contradictions, like with opposing details in the gospels...the better question is "Is the bible without error" I read Christian vs Atheist debates on this topic alot and they are quite interesting I can post a link for those who want.


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hmm... I'd say kind of, but not really. I donno, I think it all fits together it just gets a bit complicated, I mean four different sets of eyes, four different perspectives watching the events, they're gonna notice different things and not notice other things.

and so long as there's definitive teaching by an Apostolic Authority on what the Scripture means, it will not contradict itself :cool:


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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='Jul 16 2004, 12:35 PM'] only if you interpret it to have contradictions. (and if that's the case then we might just say that you're full of contradictions :lol: ) [/quote]
Right...so when a protestant contradicts another one on what the Bible means, they are both right and there is no contradiction because everyone can interpret the Bible for himself? I thought that was the fundamentalist line... in any event, here are some insightfulwords of St. Alphonsus Mary Ligouri, Doctor of the Church: "Innovators say that the Lord gives each of the faithful a clear knowledge of Scripture. Behold, the 'private interpretation' of the heretics which has produced such a variety of creeds! Hence, after all the Congresses and Synods they have held, they have never been able to draw up a formula of uniform belief; [i]hence, everyone knows that among the Reformers there are as many formulas of faith as there are individuals[/i]. [b]This alone is sufficient to show that they are in error and do not have the true faith[/b]. God arranged that the true faith would be preserved in the Roman Church alone, so that, there being but one Church, there would be but one faith and one doctrine for all the faithful."

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Are there contradictions in the Bible, you ask?

It would seem that way if things aren't read in context, for one.

If you mean, however, things like details in the accounts of the Four Gospels, we need to remember that the Gospels are fragmentary accounts and don't talk about EVERYTHING that went on. Besides, it's actually quite normal for different people's accounts of things to differ in certain details yet be basically the same thing.

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[quote name='point5' date='Jul 16 2004, 01:38 PM'] i would say there are contradictions, like with opposing details in the gospels... [/quote]
The thing you have to remember about that is that different people wrote each of the gospels so we are getting the story as each of them remembered it--they don't actually contradict its just different "perspectives". :)

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Ice...I've heard many times that the Bible is God speaking through man.

Back on topic, though, according to Revelation, the stars will fall three times. And don't give me any of that "It's symbolic" [color=red][edited by littleflower: profanity][/color] that I get all the time.

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[quote name='Chris Zewe' date='Jul 23 2004, 12:43 PM'] Ice...I've heard many times that the Bible is God speaking through man.

Just because God is speaking through someone it doesn't mean that He takes them over and they do not function of their own accord. The gospel writers were INSPIRED, not "posessed".

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Exactly. They werent posessed and God wrote through them, and there wasnt some watchdog sitting behind them so they didn't slip up. Hares don't chew cud, and King Saul can't die two ways. There are a few mistakes like that... And I guess if you take the Bible literally you'd be confused as to how Adam and Eve had three sons and yet there still managed to be future generations.

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Lol they had three sons and that hasn't been editted yet? I don't have a Bible on hand, so I really wouldn't know, but if that's true then you gave me a good laugh.

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