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Sola Scriptura


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[quote name='Me']Almost all Protestants follow the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. This donctrine claims that the Bible alone is the authority in matters of faith. Fundamentalists will begin by saying, "Let's agree that the Bible is the sole rule of faith." A Catholic must answer with a firm, "NO!" They are really asking you to reject Sacred Tradition and the authority of the Church.

We must show them that Christ left a Church to teach, govern, and sanctify in His name until the end of time. To reject that authority is to reject Christ and His Gospel. We Catholics accept the Bible as an authority in matters of faith because it is God's inpired Word. However, we cannot accept it as the only rule of faith for the following reasons.

It goes against the [color=red]BIBLE[/color]. Scripture tells us that Christ left a Church with divine authority to govern in His name (Mt 16:13-20, 18:18; Lk 10:16). Christ promised that this Church would last until the end of time (Mt 16:18, 28:19-20; Jn 14:16). The Bible also tells us that Sacred Tradition is to be followed alongside Sacred Scripture (2Thess 2:15, 3:6).

The doctrine of sola scrptura is not found in Scripture. In fact, the Bible tells us that we need more than just the Bible alone. The Bible confirms that not everything Jesus said and did is recorded in Scripture (Jn 21:25) and that we must also hold fast to oral tradition, the preached Word of God (1Cor 11:2; 1Pet 1:25).

In 2 Pet 3:15-16, we are warned that Sacred Scripture can be very difficult to interpret, which strongly implies the need for an authoritative interpreter. Finally, 1 Tim 3:15 reassures us that the Church is "the pillar and foundation of truth."

It goes against [color=red]HISTORY[/color]. The history of the Bible attests that it was the Church excercising its Apostolic authority that determined what is and is not Scripture. We need the authority of the Church to tell us what belongs in the Bible (1Tim 3:15).

It goes against [color=red]COMMON SENSE[/color]. Any written document meant to play a crucial role in determining how people live must have a living, continuing authority to guard, guarantee, and officially interpret it. Otherwise, chaos reigns as everyone interprets the document according to his personal whim.

For example, the Founding Fathers of this country put together a magnificent document to be authoritative in determining how this country would be governed: the US Constitution. They also established a living, continuing authority to guard, gaurantee and officially interpret the Constitution: the Supreme Court.

The Founding Fathers knew that without a living authority the Constitution would lead to endless divisions as every one acted as his own interpreter. God certainly has more wisdom than the founders of this country. He would never have left a written document to be the only rule of faith without a living authority to guard and officially interpret it.[/quote]

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Wow, Christina. Thanks. You totally "beasted" it. Well done! I think taht little more can be said of this. I only wonder how some people can believe in this, because they must have not thought it out completely. :) Thank you, Christina! (and also Apotheoun!) Ciao. God bless you all.

dairygirl (or any other protestant for that matter) i'm still curious to hear what you have to say, if anything at all. Thanks!

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Okay I'm not sure if the following has been covered or not but here goes:


Jn 21:25 ... not everything is in the Bible.
2 Thess 2:15; 2 Tim 2:2; 1 Cor 11:2; 1 Thess 2:13 ... Paul speaks of oral tradition. Acts 2:42 ... early Christians followed apostolic tradition.
2 Pet 3:16 ... Bible hard to understand, get distorted.
2 Jn 1:12; 3 Jn 1:13-14 ... more oral tradition.
2 Pet 1:20-21 ... against personal interpretation.
Acts 8:30-31 ... guidance needed to interpret scriptures.
Heb 5:12 ... need to be taught. [/quote]

I found a Catholic Apologist Cheat Sheet online and it breaks down certain topics like Sola Scriptura with Bible verses to support them :)

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[quote name='Antonius' date='Jul 17 2004, 12:16 AM'] Wow, Christina. Thanks. You totally "beasted" it. Well done! I think taht little more can be said of this. I only wonder how some people can believe in this, because they must have not thought it out completely. :) Thank you, Christina! (and also Apotheoun!) Ciao. God bless you all.

You're welcome....God bless you too my freind.

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