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I'm Just Wondering About Our Politicians

Lil Red

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How "in touch" are both Kerry and Bush anyways with the reality of most American people?

I'm not looking to start an argument (i've already made a note not to anymore :P ) but I'm just wondering.

Both were raised in affluent homes. Both continue to be affluent. How can they know what the average American struggles with: financial concerns, health concerns (insurance, etc.)?

I'm not saying that they don't know what struggle is. I'm just wondering how empathetic they can be to the average American person when they haven't lived like an average American person.

*Note: I'm not bashing any candidate, and for that matter, I'm voting for Bush because he's pro-life.*

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Good Friday

[quote name='Lil Red']Both were raised in affluent homes. Both continue to be affluent. How can they know what the average American struggles with: financial concerns, health concerns (insurance, etc.)?[/quote]
While I in no way support voting for Kerry, because he is pro-abortion and Catholics cannot vote for pro-abortion candidates, I think that between him and President Bush, Kerry is the more "in touch" of the candidates. My reason for this is that Kerry served in Vietnam -- not in the National Guard here at home, but in Vietnam -- and he experienced what all veterans of Vietnam experienced. It didn't matter then if he was rich or poor (I don't even know which he was), it only mattered that he was there to fight a war.

Also, you have to look at the vice presidential candidates. Cheney has been rich for most of his life, as well, but Edwards hasn't. He became rich when he became a trial lawyer, but prior to that his father worked in a mill and his mother worked in a furniture store, and Edwards himself worked in the mill for a while. So I think that he, even after being wealthy for so long, is probably still more in touch with the American people than Bush/Cheney.

Of course, none of that matters; it's difficult to be in touch with America when you're not in touch with the most vulnerable members of American society, the unborn. While they may be more in touch with America on economic issues, they are not in touch on social and moral issues like abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage. The majority of Americans do not favor either of those three things, but the Democratic Party has supported them for quite some time. Abortion is the key issue. However in touch Kerry/Edwards may be with Americans on economic issues, all of our civil rights are endangered by politicians who will deny the most basic human right, explicitly stated in the Declaration of Independence: the right to life.

So, to conclude, I think it's possible to say that Kerry/Edwards are more in touch with Americans on many economic issues and on some social issues like healthcare and education. On the other hand, I think it's possible to say that Bush/Cheney are more in touch with Americans on many more social and moral issues like abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and same-sex marriage. Because abortion, euthanasia, embryonic research and same-sex marriage attack the very foundations of society, and healthcare and economics do not, we are obliged as Catholics to support the candidate who opposes those things that would lead to the destruction of society.

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It seems Bush keeps to what he believes personally, but Kerry I dont know, he claims to be cath, yet supports abortion, so he is being a fraud in a sense, and im sure the us peeps dont like frauds.

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Yes, peeps dont like frauds. Even though there a quite a few out there, we cant catch 'em all. Though, we try.

Ok, my two cents.

I dont think either candidate can really know what it's like to struggle as an average income person can.
My example. I remember living on my own, from paycheck to paycheck, wondering how the bills would get paid, no insurance, etc.
But I am in a much better situation now. Yes I remember those times, but I no longer can recall (with exactness) how I felt then.
You get to a point where you forget that part of your life. Not because you wish to, but because you are in a better part now.
I mean, you remember struggling, but theres so much more to it than that.
It's hard to explain. I wish I could put it in better terms.

Anyway, all candidates are now living 'large' so to speak. Some may come from struggling backgrounds, and it may or may not be a plus in their corner, but from where they are now they cant accurately understand it anymore.
This is from my own experience.
So its only my opinion.

Peace :peace:

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I must say, that, at least with Bush, he made most of his own money (on the rather smart baseball deal) instead of marrying it.

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