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Same-sex Marriage Amendment Didn't Pass

Paladin D

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='catholicguy' date='Jul 14 2004, 04:38 PM'] Oh... you presented it as "pagans were proto-Christians" (your actual words were many of the supporters of democracy, etc., which I thought was in reference to Athens, the first one) as a generalization. Of course those philosophers could be considered such, but their religion is false, and error that comes from democracy, which was the major area of this debate, that democracy leads to error, especially in religion. [/quote]
I didn't claim that pagans were generally proto-christian, I claimed that some of the major proponents of democracy were long considered to be proto-christian pagans. I also asked how paganism is relevant to the flaws in democracy.

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Hello?! What does any of this have to do with democracy? Do you remember voting for abortion? Do you remember voting to redefine marriage? I don't!

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='theculturewarrior' date='Jul 14 2004, 06:53 PM'] Hello?! What does any of this have to do with democracy? Do you remember voting for abortion? Do you remember voting to redefine marriage? I don't! [/quote]
Good point.

The United States is a republic.

TCW, if you succede, I'll join you, man!

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oh man.. when I saw the topic heading, I was thinking to myself "great!".. Then I realised I misunderstood what it was about... Can't any of these types of things be good news? I thought FINALLY th government gave us something to celebrate! :(

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[quote name='catholicguy' date='Jul 14 2004, 03:45 PM'] Democracy is NEVER good. Democracy started with the over-throw of Catholicism in the government (French Rev, or if you consider American Rev the "first democracy" which is actually a Republic, which is equally as bad, it lost its Catholicity back with the heretic Henry VIII), and it remains that way in every democracy ever. This has been condemned by numerous Popes. [/quote]
Democracy can be good, but it must be vigorous. I am reminded of the Roman empire. It fell because of foreign invaders and it got too big.

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Jul 14 2004, 03:51 PM'] Well, no. Democracy started in ancient Athens.

It works much better on a small scale like that than it does in a whole country.

Of course, this is only somewhat relevant, because the US is a Democratic Republic.

Other than that, I agree. I'm not a fan of democracy. [/quote]
Good point. Democracy is ancient. The people of Greece and Sparta had direct democracy, instead of our representative democracy. They were more radical than us Americans.

Our type of democracy was forged from the flames of the French revolution. Our govt was designed around keeping us from absolutist rulers. I think that our kind of democracy is headed for a nightmare.

Maybe the govt. will fall, and the church will come to save mankind once more.

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I watched Gov Rick Santorum's speach regarding this last night on C-Span. It was pretty inspiring. He basically said that this is the beginning of the end of the American family--and without families, America will crumble.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Jul 14 2004, 07:08 PM'] I watched Gov Rick Santorum's speach regarding this last night on C-Span. It was pretty inspiring. He basically said that this is the beginning of the end of the American family--and without families, America will crumble. [/quote]

Side note - Senator Santorum.

Ed Rendell is our governor. :D

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i read this amazing article today in the wall street journal comparing both sides of the same-sex marriage debate. it mentioned in there that the democrats got the republicans to agree to a one-shot deal with this amendment, if it didn't passed, no more chances on an amendment at all. or that's how i understood it. is that true?

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Okay, I'm a southerner, so I find the argument that the Democrats (from mostly northern states) use to shoot down this amendment.


Hmmmm... sounds familiar.

(Note for everyone: I'm not racist nor do I defend the practice of slavery. I'm actually a first generation southerner, so I'm not even a descendent of a Confederate. I just find it amusing here)

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