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but for reals i dont pay attation to that stufff.....Because why?....i know its immportant....but i dont want to hear lies.....i want the truth....so i dont really know

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[quote]I, too, would LOVE to see a Clinton vs. Rice campaign (with Condi winning, of course).[/quote]
Me too. I just don't think Rice is in to politics all that much to run. I guess she has four more years...

BTW: Rice has some kind of post-undergrad degree from Notre Dame.

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[quote name='Mickey's_Girl' date='Jul 15 2004, 03:54 AM'] Not sure about a wall, but I'm definitely not in agreement with Buchanan's ideas on immigration (among quite a few other things).

Always liked Santorum--didn't know he was Catholic. And go, Alan Keyes, with his Catholic self!! Woo-hoo!!!

This finding-out-who's-Catholic thing is TOO MUCH FUN! :rolling:

(I am a big dork, but there it is. Woot-woot!)

MG [/quote]
Rick Santorum is a faithful Catholic leader who leads a prayer group at the Senate. It is ironic he is in the same state as Arlen Specter.

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I used to like Santorum until he campained for Arlen Specter over the very pro-life Pat Toomey. There is not a pro-life bone in Specter's body. He's as bad as Kennedy and Kerry. Santorum sold out on that one.

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Prez: Katholikos
VP: ironmonk

Senators: Phatmass Church Militant & Church Faithful

Things would get done, and done right.


God Bless!
"Ask not what your Church can do for you, but ask what you can do for your Church"

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Jul 15 2004, 08:28 AM'] Prez: Katholikos
VP: ironmonk

Senators: Phatmass Church Militant & Church Faithful

Things would get done, and done right.


God Bless!
"Ask not what your Church can do for you, but ask what you can do for your Church" [/quote]
Or... We could elect Phatmassers to the Senate as well. I am a diehard Republican who supports every moral standing in The Roman Catholic Church, yet I'm not a member of the Church Faithful or Church Militants. [b]Power to the Phatmasser Roman Catholic Party![/b]

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Guest JeffCR07

hahaha, personally I think Santorum and Keyes would be great!

But for a dream team......

President: Dust
VP: phatcatholic

Cabinet: Winchester, Ironmonk, Apotheoun, Cmom, thedude, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of high-profile orthodox phatmassers.

House & Senate: faithful phatmassers!

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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Jul 15 2004, 10:25 AM'] hahaha, personally I think Santorum and Keyes would be great!

But for a dream team......

President: Dust
VP: phatcatholic

Cabinet: Winchester, Ironmonk, Apotheoun, Cmom, thedude, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of high-profile orthodox phatmassers.

House & Senate: faithful phatmassers! [/quote]
Alright! I plan to major in Political Science and after a few years I hope to be elected to the US Senate or House so that I can represent The Holy Roman Catholic Church and its great moral standings. Like the Black Caucus, I would create the Catholic Caucus. We could even have recitations of the Rosary during quarum calls! Wouldn't that be great!? I wonder when the first Republican Catholic will be elected President? Maybe Pat Buchanan in 2008 with Alan Keyes at his side?

Edited by conservativecatholic
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I think Pat has had enough of all that. He is not exacly young anymore and has been doing this since the mid sixties. I don't see him running again. But if he did, he would have my vote.

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[quote name='pionono' date='Jul 15 2004, 09:36 AM'] I used to like Santorum until he campained for Arlen Specter over the very pro-life Pat Toomey. There is not a pro-life bone in Specter's body. He's as bad as Kennedy and Kerry. Santorum sold out on that one. [/quote]
He is playing sacrifice. We need to take Pennsylvania.

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Guest JeffCR07

Conservative, thats awesome! I'm majoring in polysci too, but I think I'm called to get a doctorate in theology and try to get some orthodox theology teachers at catholic colleges! I have this vision of a sort of Catholic "Third Great Awakening" among our youth, where there are tons of kids who not only know what the Church teaches, but [i]love[/i] what the Church teaches, and live it daily. If you and I aren't the only people who have this kind of vision, I know in my heart it can happen! Pray for me and I'll pray for you!

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 15 2004, 12:56 PM'] Nope.
He is playing sacrifice. We need to take Pennsylvania. [/quote]
Playing Sacrifice? Nice word choice considering the issue at hand. Who exactly needs to take Pennsylvania? Specter is nearly identical in his voting record to Ted Kennedy. He is militantly pro-abortion. You say sacrifice? For what? Just as it would be evil to campaign for that [color=red][Edited by dUSt: Profanity] [/color]in Massachusetts, so it is evil to campaign for Arlen Specter. They are one an the same. Santorum sold out for political gain.

Edited by dUSt
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[quote name='JeffCR07' date='Jul 15 2004, 03:14 PM'] Conservative, thats awesome! I'm majoring in polysci too, but I think I'm called to get a doctorate in theology and try to get some orthodox theology teachers at catholic colleges! I have this vision of a sort of Catholic "Third Great Awakening" among our youth, where there are tons of kids who not only know what the Church teaches, but [i]love[/i] what the Church teaches, and live it daily. If you and I aren't the only people who have this kind of vision, I know in my heart it can happen! Pray for me and I'll pray for you!

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff [/quote]
Jeff, that's awesome that you are majoring in polysci! I am also thrilled to hear that you are going to get a doctorate in theology. Where do you go to school? I will pray for you definately. Good luck with the doctorate. May God Bless! :)

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' date='Jul 15 2004, 04:29 PM'] I'm so happy to hear others mention Alan Keyes. He's awesome! [/quote]
Alan Keyes is a great guy! His show is awesome. He could most definately get the Catholic vote, the black vote, conservative democrat and conservative vote. He would be so cool. :) Alan Keyes and Pat Buchanan 2008

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