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Take It Down Act (Law Related to P***)


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I received this email from Feminists for Life.

"Once again, FFL is endorsing the Take It Down Act that was cosponsored by Senators Ted Cruz and Amy Klobuchar. The Senate first passed the bill during the last Congress with unanimous bipartisan support. The House needs to pass this now.

FFL President said, "It is essential that both the perpetrators of deep fake images and the social media companies that keep them up after being notified be held accountable. These pornographic AI altered images are most often targeted against teenage girls. They are capable of ruining futures and even driving girls to contemplate suicide." Serrin added, "Despite the partisan fighting, this is a no brainer. Who would stand up in opposition to this bill?"


TAKE ACTION: Contact your representative. Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or email them.


Tell them girls deserve better than deep fake pornographic images. Pass the Take it Down Act NOW.


Thank you for standing up for vulnerable teen girls. Please let us know that you contacted your representative."

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I would support banning all porn.

i agree this one should be a 'no brainer'.  Let's see how long before a law suit is filed...

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9 hours ago, Didacus said:

I would support banning all porn.

i agree this one should be a 'no brainer'.  Let's see how long before a law suit is filed...

I agree that it should be banned. However, I doubt that enough people would support such a law for that to pass. I can see plenty of people protesting against it. This specific law though has far more likelihood in people agreeing with it. 

I would hope that the average person would be against knowingly posting intimate images that people did not consent to or threatening to post such images.

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15 hours ago, tinytherese said:

I agree that it should be banned. However, I doubt that enough people would support such a law for that to pass. I can see plenty of people protesting against it. This specific law though has far more likelihood in people agreeing with it. 

I would hope that the average person would be against knowingly posting intimate images that people did not consent to or threatening to post such images.

Unfortunately, basic decency is very rare these days.

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