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Congregation of the Sister-Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration (Latin: Servarum Spiritus Sancti de Adoratione Perpetua, SSpSAP


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In 1917 the Cloistered Sisters are an independent Congregation bearing the official name: "Congregation of the Sister-Servants of the Holy Spirit of Perpetual Adoration" (SSpSAP).  Their main goal is, as for all religious orders, the perfection and sanctification of the members by imitating the life of Jesus and Mary by faithfully observing the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and the Constitutions.  Their special goal is "collaboration in the propagation of the faith through the apostolate of prayer"; this is accomplished by:

1. a life of contemplation with the observation of perpetual enclosure,

2. special veneration of the Holy Spirit,

3. perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament day and night,

4. choral Divine Office

5. work, that is professional and artistic handicrafts, especially the making of vestments, literary work, domestic and garden work according to the strength and competence of the Sisters; teaching, education, nursing and such work are not allowed.

There are no distictions in the Congregation (i.e., no choir and lay Sisters); the order of precedence is similar to that of the other two congregations.  The habit consists of: rose-clored habit, scapular, veil, cincture, white headdress, blue cloak, profession cross and after perpetual vows, a silver ring with the inscription:Ave Sponse caelestis.  Black clothing is prescribed for travelling.  

Edited by graciandelamadrededios
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