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Messianic Jews are praying for Pope Francis too!

Dennis Tate

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Dennis Tate

My wife and I just got back yesterday from a trip to Argentina which was Pope Francis's home for years.

I now have many friends and FAMILY in Argentina and I have a special empathy for Pope Francis because in 1996 I personally had pneumonia in one lung and it was rough.... I had to take a month off from work because I was boiling hot one minute and freezing the next moment and I simply could not work.

I have been studying the paranormal and near death experience accounts since 1990 and I am convinced that the Being of Light of near death experience fame has massive plans for Pope Francis and I am praying that he meet with the Being of Light of near death experience fame and come back with specific plans to transform the Vatican in ways that will fit brilliantly with the plans that President Donald J. Trump has to bring Shalom to the Middle East.

I personally believe that this illness that Pope Francis is experiencing is meant to improve the lives of millons and even billions of people and even set in motion a series of events that will transform the world economy in many positive ways.

My strong suspicion is that Pope Francis may soon decide to go underground in the Vatican and give every artificact with the Hebrew language on it to the nation of Israel ..... because i do agree with the Jerusalem Sanhedrin that one of the best possible ways to bring Shalom to the Middle East would be for President Donald J. Trump to assist ten million Israelis to construct an Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex.

Later on.... there will likely be a second Jerusalem TEmple over the Gihon Spring that is several hundred meters away from the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock..... The Temple Mount was likely NOT the place of The Temple of King Solomon and King Herod according to what I have found out so far.

I admit that I am biased but I am kind of thinking that the paper that I wrote back at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada back in 2009, 2010 might just be all set up to be somewhat useful in the near future.


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