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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Hello Again +Life Update!


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Hello all! Wow, it's been a long time since I visited. Many years ago I was pretty active here up until I joined religious life. This place has a special place in my heart and I remember so many members- Fransiscan Heart, CrossCut, Credo, Nunsense, more I can't even list. 

I am now married, have a son, and am spending many hours up at ungodly hours (as having an infant tends to make one do.) I found myself back here late at night wondering what happened to everyone. I'm happy to hear PhuturePriest did indeed become a priest! And I'm praying for the repose of Seven77. 

I was in religious life for two years, and left before taking first vows. The time I spent there was an incredible experience and I still write with some of my classmates from the novitiate. I felt over time that religious life just wasn't for me, and there was something more for me out there- but leaving was hard. I actually was part of a vocations panel recently where I shared my story of discernment with a high school youth group. When I left I never would have been able to see myself doing that, but I've come a long ways since then. 

The something more eventually turned out to be meeting my husband. I finished college, moved back to my hometown, taught middle school, and got married! I now live close by family and help run the local young adult group with our parish priest. We have a lovely little son who's growing daily. Anyways, I think of the old group occasionally and hope you're all doing well, wherever you are! 

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