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Servant of God Mother Mary Joseph of the Heart of Jesus, (former) Prioress of Cerro de los Angeles Carmel and President of the Association of St. Teresa in Spain


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November 8, 1989

Mother Mary Joseph was received at the Vatican by Pope John Paul II, to whom she asked that the Discalced Carmelites could continue to live their vocation faithfully, according to the spirit of Saint Teresa of Jesus.


December 8, 1990

Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope John Paul confirms the constitutions of the Discalced Carmelites whom Mother Mary Joseph has fought and prayed much.


google translated from Spanish Text - a booklet on the life of Mother Mary Joseph b

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She was the President of the Association of St. Teresa in Spain at that time and was accompanied by her Superior, the Prioress of Cerro de los Angeles and Sr Mary Helen of the Mother of God.

Some Prioress asked her repeatedly to go to Rome and present the text to the Holy Father but she resisted and only gave in when she received a formal invitation from the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Religious Life:

It will be a pleasure for Cardinal Hamer to see you on November 5th.

Signed: Capaccio. Secretary

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