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Joseph Assumed into Heaven

Credo in Deum

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Credo in Deum

I don’t know if I would call this a debate, but I wanted to know how many think St. Joseph was assumed body and soul into Heaven? 

I watched a YouTube video of this being talked about on Gabiafterhours channel.  It’s mentioned that Jesus, at the finding in the Temple, may have been talking about how after His death He would be in His Father’s house. The idea was that Abraham’s Bosom (Limbo) would be Saint Joseph’s Bosom after the death of Joseph since he would be considered greater than Abraham.   So Jesus was foreshadowing that after His death He would be visiting Saint Joseph and speaking to the souls in Limbo. The other piece given was that after Christ’s death and resurrection it’s said the dead came out of their tombs.  The idea is Joseph at that time could have come out of his tomb and was then assumed when Jesus ascended into Heaven. 

Personally, I found it pretty interesting and thought about how neat it would have been for Mary to be met by both her son and Joseph during her assumption. 

What do you all think? 

From what I read,  St. Francis de Sales, St. Bernadine of Siena, St. John XXIII, and St. Leonard of Port Maurice are a few who likewise believed Joseph was assumed body and soul in Heaven. 

Edited by Credo in Deum
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I would think not, as I've always thought this was a special consideration given to the Blessed Virgin Mary partly as a result of her Immaculate Conception.

But if it's true that the above-mentioned saints believed it, I would certainly consider my opinion moot.

In Father Calloway's Consecration to St. Joseph, he makes some pretty remarkable claims about him, and if those are true this could be, as well.  Actually, it's been a while since I read it, and it's possible this is in there, too.

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Credo in Deum

I believe the Church teaches that Enoch and Elijah were also assumed into Heaven, so I don’t think the immaculate conception itself was why she was given that gift.  I do believe though her immaculate conception meant she didn’t have to die; however, I believe Blessed Mother loved Jesus so much she chose to die in imitation of Christ. 

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I agree, and that thought occurred to me, also, regarding Enoch and Elijah, after I wrote that.  Clearly God's power is not limited!  Although death itself is a result of Original Sin, God can certainly choose to exempt people as He wishes.

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St. Joseph ascending body and soul is entirely new to me.  The tradition I know is that he died and was buried.

Although interesting, I personally wouldn't put much weight into it.

Don'`t get me wrong - great respect and love for St. Joseph... but no, haven't heard of it before.

On 12/5/2024 at 5:18 PM, fides' Jack said:

I agree, and that thought occurred to me, also, regarding Enoch and Elijah, after I wrote that.  Clearly God's power is not limited!  Although death itself is a result of Original Sin, God can certainly choose to exempt people as He wishes.

Was Enoch and Elijah sinless?  I don't believe so..., but I do believe they were extraordinarily good...

What was God's reasoning or measure?  That is a good question, and I don't recall what that might be...

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I do believe Enoch was specifically said in the Bible to be sinless.  Not free from Original Sin, of course, but that he had gone through life without committing sin.

I could be remembering it incorrectly.

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Credo in Deum
On 12/11/2024 at 3:52 AM, Didacus said:

Was Enoch and Elijah sinless?  I don't believe so..., but I do believe they were extraordinarily good...

They were not free from original sin but this doesn’t mean God couldn’t make an exception and apply the merits of Christ to them when he assumed them into heaven.  After all, God applies the merits of Christ to Our Lady which was how she was able to be immaculately conceived.  

On 12/11/2024 at 3:52 AM, Didacus said:

St. Joseph ascending body and soul is entirely new to me.  The tradition I know is that he died and was buried.

Although interesting, I personally wouldn't put much weight into it.

Don'`t get me wrong - great respect and love for St. Joseph... but no, haven't heard of it before.

I don’t think tradition has said anything specifically either way, which is why some past saints have held a pious belief that Joseph was assumed into heaven.  I thought it was an interesting and cool take on Saint Joseph. The idea that the entire Holy Family is with each other in body and soul in Heaven is beautiful.


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