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Hallow’s Eve


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All Hallow’s Eve is the vigil of All Saints' Day, Nov. 1, when we remember the saints that came before us. All Saints' Day is followed by All Souls’ Day, on Nov. 2, when the Church prays for all our faithful departed. 

The name All Hallow’s Eve derives from the Old English word "hallows,” meaning holy or sanctified. Halloween is a contraction of “hallows” and “e’en,” a truncation of the word evening, referring to the vigil before All Saints' Day. 

On All Hallow’s Eve, we begin a period of reflection on life, death and resurrection, and a month of special prayers for the dead. 

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Besides today, Solemnity of All Saints A.K.A. All Saints Day, (November 1st) :dead: , the following days must also be observed:

The following feast days are holy days of obligation in the U.S. for 2024:

  1. Solemnity of Mary: Monday, January 1*
  2. Ascension of Jesus: Thursday, May 9 — Celebrated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday*
  3. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Thursday, August 15
  4. Solemnity of All Saints: Friday, November 1
  5. Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Monday, December 9**
  6. Christmas: Wednesday, December 25

These six holy days of obligation are celebrated in the U.S., besides Sundays




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