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It is no great revelation to say that we live in an age of manifold crises. Crises of earth and society and spirit, each one intertwined and evolving, inviting us into postures of denial or determination depending on the day and, perhaps, whether we’ve had our morning coffee.

But we would be forgetful indeed to think that the task before us—to live and to bear the weight of living—is a new one. Our crises may be particular, and even particularly dire, but we shouldn’t fall prey to the pridefulness of assuming they are entirely unique. It may feel new to us—the present always does—but God has seen it all before. Just open the Bible and you will find the record of it.

The rich young man in today’s Gospel wants to know what we all want to know—how to live in this life so that we might live forever in the world to come. He seeks what today’s Psalm calls “wisdom of heart.”

He learns that the wisdom he seeks is not a program of works to be performed or behaviours to be avoided. As Jesus tells him, observing the commandments is essential to walking the path of salvation—but it can only get us so far.

The Wisdom of God is not precepts, but a person—Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Wisdom whose Spirit was granted to Solomon in today’s First Reading. Jesus is the Word of God spoken of in today’s Second Reading. And Jesus, as He reveals Himself to the rich man today, is God.

Perhaps, like this young man, we fail to notice that Jesus is always, always on a journey toward a new horizon, called the Kingdom

“Good Teacher,” we say, “tell us how to be good, too.”  Show us the solution to the messes we have made. Solve the riddle of our lives for us.    

And Jesus looks on, loving us, forgiving us for not understanding. And he says the thing we did not expect. He says,

 Let it go. Let all of it go—your fears, your comforts, your assumptions about the way the world must be. Let it go and follow me where I am going. Follow me out past despair, past tired history with its winners and losers. Give it all away. All of it. Leave room in your life and your heart for nothing but the fearlessness of a   love that is priceless, as free as the air you breathe.

Jesus has come to say—and to live, and to be—that message which the prophets had always shared: there is something more to this world than the present time reveals. There is crisis and there is failure, yes, and they demand our response as stewards of one another. But we do so only in relationship to a deeper truth, a more pervasive possibility: that we were made for more than endless cycles of fear and furore and temporary resolution. We were made for something more lasting than wealth or power or even the knowledge we seek from Good Teachers. We were made to take part in God’s fullness. We were made… to be good ourselves.

That’s the plot twist which Jesus leaves the young man to discover on his own. It’s true, he says that no one is good but God alone, but we who have seen his glory know the rest of the story: that God does not desire to be alone, but has come to be with us, to share the divine life with us, to enfold us into the journey toward that distant horizon. God has come in the flesh to give us the one thing the prophets never could: not just a message, but a means. Not just a reminder, but a hand outstretched to guide us toward a Kingdom consciousness.

And it’s a funny thing, this answer to our fears, suggests that somewhere within our selves is the resolution we seek. Jesus, in his embrace of our checkered history, demonstrates that the conflict we feel between the ordinary and the overwhelming; between our daily bread and the world’s hunger, is not so much a conundrum to solve.  No, instead, Jesus is God’s invitation to let our attentive hearts break open, and to see what waits for us on the other side of brokenness.

Because the one thing that is stronger than any crisis we face, and the only way through all of them, is the compassionate, passionate, undaunted love that haunted the dreams of the prophets, and which is the light in our Good Teacher’s eyes. The love that is God. The love that is ours.




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