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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Theoretically Infinite Financing and the VALUE of each human life....

Dennis Tate

Does each human life have Infinite value to our Creator?  

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Mr. Al Gore and Mr. Bill Gates have to a degree linked the value of a human life to OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT... BUT....... I believe that our Creator places essentially INFINITE VALUE ON EACH HUMAN LIFE... and knows the number of the hairs on each head of all eight billion of us!!!!!


I believe that Pastor Rick Joyner would be termed Charismatic Catholic and I believe that his three books.... The Final Quest..... The Call... .and The Torch and the Sword.... are so off the scale brilliant that they must have been given to him in a visionary dream as he reports........... because if not then he would have to be a Christian Literary Genius up there with C. S. Lewis or even Thomas Aquinas!

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