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Vocation Update!


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Hello all! I disappeared for, what, a year? Maybe more? Maybe less? I do apologize, but I have some good news!
I am currently in college for Theology(I found a very good Catholic school!).

We found out that my jaw hasn't grown since I was like six, so I am getting surgery on December 26 to correct it(please pray for me!)

If all goes well in December, I will join the Carmelites of Mary Ever Virgin as an aspirant in the summer, and then if that goes well, as a postulant in a few years.

I went to see them over Spring Break last school year. They are fully in communion with Rome, despite participating in the Extraordinary Form of Mass, and they have been doing most of the Office in Latin(except Prime, which they cannot fit into their schedule). 

They want to start a revitalization of the Ancient Observance Order of Carmel. There are only fifteen solemnly professed nuns(I believe, that is what they told me :)) of the Ancient Order in the United States, and the Sisters, Mary Ruth and Maria, hope to restate some practices that have died out in the other monasteries, like complete monastic silence and traditional chants. 

As for why I do not join a more settled monastery, I am not fit for the austerity of my Teresian Sisters(as many of them have told me), and many of the monasteries of the Ancient Observance are more relaxed than what I have been drawn to. 

Thank you and God Bless you!

Please continue to pray for me!

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