Luigi Posted July 29 Share Posted July 29 I've calmed down. I've reflected. I've composed. Here is my message to the IOC, which I have e-mailed. I doubt they'll read it. Even if they do, I doubt that it will have any impact, because only money talks to the IOC. But I feel better now. ############################################################### International Olympic Committee: Shame on you! You have brought shame, on a world-wide scale, on the Olympic Games and on yourselves individually by allowing and broadcasting worldwide the depiction of the Drag Queen Last Supper in the 2024 opening ceremonies. According to your own web site, “The modern Games are secular, unlike the ancient Games which were dedicated to the gods.” Secular is one stance, anti-Christian is another. And if you tell me that the Drag Queen Last Supper was simply a reference to Bacchus, I will tell you that Bacchus was one of the gods. So the Olympic Games are apparently not actually secular. I must conclude that the Olympic International Committee has decided to replace the most populous religious tradition on earth with its own religion, whether that be ancient Greek paganism or modern hedonism. There are approximately 8.1 billion people on the face of the earth; over 2.7 billion of those people – approximately 30% - are Christians. The Olympic International Committee successfully insulted over 30% of the people on the planet in one fell swoop. To quote from your own web site again, “In Ancient Greece, art and sport were seen as perfect partners. The ideal was to achieve harmony by exercising both the body and the mind.” The International Olympic Committee apparently has no idea how to achieve harmony. In the wake of this world-wide artistic and Olympic fiasco, Thomas Jolly, the creator of this travesty, claims: “My wish isn’t to be subversive, nor to mock or to shock,” Jolly said. “Most of all, I wanted to send a message of love, a message of inclusion and not at all to divide.” I do not believe for a moment that Thomas Jolly is a wide-eyed innocent merely referencing the ancient Greek roots of the Olympic Games. In every other aspect of the opening ceremonies, Jolly displayed wide knowledge of art, art history, French history, French culture, and attention to the smallest details. He intentionally arranged the actors to recreate Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper. His clear intention was to overlay that most sacred event with his own interpretation, turning The Last Supper into a Bacchanalian feast celebrating the very opposite of everything The Last Supper depicts. In no way can that tableau be interpreted as “a message of love.” On a related note, Jolly’s depiction of multiple Marie Antoinettes running around holding their own heads in their hands in no way sent “a message of love, a message of inclusion.” Apparently the French have never forgiven L’Autrichienne. Why didn’t Jolly depict a beheaded Louis XVI? Or their beheaded children? Or the sixteen guillotined Carmelite nuns of Compiègne who are the subject of Poulenc’s opera “The Dialogues of the Carmelites?” All of those would have sent “a message of love, a message of inclusion” equivalent to the Drag Queen Last Supper. It is clear to me that The Olympic Games are no longer about sports. They are no longer about global unity. They are not about liberté, égalité, or fraternité. They are about the effete intellectual elite – particularly of the French philosophical variety – flaunting their own values at the rest of the world rather than upholding the once noble goals of the Olympic Games. Please inform your advertisers, sponsors, and benefactors that I, for one, will not watch one event of the Paris Olympic Games. I will not watch one minute of the Paris Olympic Games. I will not watch future Olympic Games. And that’s a shame. But not nearly as great a shame as you have brought on the Paris Olympic Games of 2024. Yours in the charity of Christ, Luigi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeology cat Posted July 31 Share Posted July 31 Luigi, It wasn't of the Last Supper, but of Olympian gods. :) It looks very much like the painting The Feast of the Gods by Jan van Biljert (sp?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
little2add Posted August 1 Share Posted August 1 4 hours ago, Archaeology cat said: Luigi, It wasn't of the Last Supper, but of Olympian gods. :) It looks very much like the painting The Feast of the Gods by Jan van Biljert (sp?) in drag Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luigi Posted August 1 Author Share Posted August 1 4 hours ago, Archaeology cat said: Luigi, It wasn't of the Last Supper, but of Olympian gods. :) It looks very much like the painting The Feast of the Gods by Jan van Biljert (sp?) It started out as the Last Supper - everybody recognizes the composition of that painting. It had been altered some - more people than at the Last Supper, a child (none at the Last Supper), the clothes were different, I doubt the apostles were painted up like French whores - but it was the Last Supper. Clearly the blue man was Bacchus, the god of wine, drinking, merriment, ecstatic dancing, and completely cutting loose. He hosted the original frat parties - there's a reason they dressed up in togas in "Animal House." You don't have to condescendingly explain to me or any of us who the blue man - anyone who has read anything at all about Greek mythology recognized him. :) What makes this tableau particularly upsetting to me - and I haven't heard anyone talk about this aspect of it - is that the LGBTQIA+ Last Supper then gets transmogrified into a Greek Bacchanal. So what the tableau represented was the Last Supper, where Jesus said, "This is my body, given up for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins," and then it gets transformed into a Bacchanal, implying, "These are our bodies, given up to every kind of 'sin,' and all of you will watch it! This is what we do in France! This is what the Olympics represent - bodies, pure hedonism, the paganism of ancient times." And, of course, the 'table' was actually a fashion show runway, which further emphasizes the style and beauty over the sacred. BTW, I had to look around a good deal to find an e-mail address, but I did sent this message to the IOC, and they did respond. It was just an automated reply, but even that was more than I expected. But thank you so much for thinking me so innocent - or ignorant - that I don't know what I saw or how to interpret it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archaeology cat Posted August 1 Share Posted August 1 Luigi, it was not my intent to insult you and I apologize. Truly not trying to debate, but it isn't the Last Supper. It's really The Feast of the Gods (the creator of the event also said it was based on the Greek pantheon). The composition of this painting has a similar layout to the Last Supper, so I do understand people making that connection, though. And there can be a question of whether van Biljert was intentionally modeling his painting on the Last Supper. I just don't think it was their intent to mock Jesus and the Last Supper. I guess we can agree to disagree on that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KnightofChrist Posted August 1 Share Posted August 1 It was a mockery of the Last Supper, until the blow back, then it wasn't. The lady in blue at the center even admitted it was intended to be the Gay New Testament, but later deleted her post. Likely under pressure from the IOC. That it wasn't (also) a depiction of the Last Supper is simply false, I'm sorry Arch Cat, you are in error. We must recognize the times we are in and we live in an age that bitterly hates Christianity, all while claiming to to be loving and diverse. It was also a mockery of women as drag queens are hypersexual mockeries (our age's degenerate clowns/jesters) of women. In addition, having kids involved was intended to corrupt innocence. One guy even has his testicles hanging out. The whole thing was demonic blasphemy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KnightofChrist Posted August 1 Share Posted August 1 Now there's this too. The people running the Olympics are some sick freaks. Men are actually women, the Last Supper was actually the Feast of Idols. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
little2add Posted August 1 Share Posted August 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrysostom Posted August 2 Share Posted August 2 (edited) The feast of the gods...with the central one wearing a halo. Thomas Jolly denied it, but the organizers confirmed it, releasing an official statement: Quote "Thomas Jolly took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting to create the setting" Barbara Butch, the central figure in the tableau with the halo, called it "the new Gay testament". The title, announced during the video, as I understand it, was "La C´ene sur la Scene sur la Seine". The Last Supper on stage on the Seine. Here, from leparisien, not an outlet sympathetic to Christianity - Quote The Last Supper on the Seine. And now some people are making a scene out of it. In the middle of its breathtaking opening ceremony , Thomas Jolly slipped in the legendary fresco by Leonardo da Vinci reconstructing the last supper of Christ among his apostles. However. The main characters of the Italian painter's masterpiece were this time embodied in flesh and blood by drag queens, a transgender model and on the table, under a giant bell, Philippe Katerine as an almost naked Dionysus. One of the most spectacular moments of the evening for some. One of the most shocking for others. The French bishops themselves were not mistaken. They released a statement expressing their dismay at the mockeries in the ceremony. More from leparisien: Quote Conversely, many Internet users and elected officials from the political class, particularly on the left, wanted to play down this staging, recalling that “The Last Supper” by Leonard de Vince is one of the most represented in popular culture. Communist senator Pierre Ouzoulias, for his part, recalled in a tweet that “blasphemy is an integral part of our republican heritage. Better still, it is a glorious feature of our revolutionary history”, thanking the director of the ceremony, Thomas Jolly , “for having recalled it to the eyes of the whole world through this Last Supper which will be remembered for a long time”. To me, I think it is clear that it is a Last Supper, which undergoes a transformation into a bacchanalia. The Dionysus/Bacchus character, on the platter of food in place of the body of Christ, sings about "removing all our differences...seeing each other like we're all naked...naked...celebrate each other like we're naked...naked..." - which goes along with Jolly's statements about wanting to affirm "freedom", particularly, the right to atheism. Drag, more and more recently, has become a talisman - carnival, the new sacred - a symbol and tool for the overturning of repression and the glorification of self-expression, breaking barriers down, "queering" old symbols to create a new message of acceptance, love, harmony. Barbara Butch really meant it when she said, "New Gay Testament". Edited August 2 by chrysostom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fides' Jack Posted August 2 Share Posted August 2 Clearly it offended a lot of people. Honestly I'm much more worried about Someone Else that it offended. People should do what they can to make reparations to Him, and to amend their lives. The world deserves to see fire rain from Heaven. How much more blasphemy and satanism will Our Lord suffer before it's time for His justice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hna.Caridad Posted August 2 Share Posted August 2 I don’t know if it was the Last Supper or the Feast of the Gods—it bears a strong resemblance to both. If they say it was the Feast of the Gods, then it was the Feast of the Gods. I think an important lesson here is that when the religious authorities of Jesus’ time looked upon him, his group, and his last supper, what they saw is EXACTLY what you saw at the Olympics’ opening ceremony. They saw gluttons. They saw drunkards. They saw sinners—and not just sinners, but the WORST kind of sinners (Matthew 11:19). They saw a man who repeatedly broke their religious laws—flouted them, actually—especially their purity laws, but also their Sabbath laws, which is exactly why they had him crucified for…blasphemy. So, come Palm Sunday next year when it's time to do the Passion reading, instead of a lame “meh, crucify him”, I encourage you to put yourself in the place of the religious authorities, channel all of your offended outrage and yell “CRUCIFY HIM!!!” because what you're feeling now is what the religious authorities of the time were feeling about Jesus. Own the role. In the meantime, it might be worth visiting the blasphemy of Leonardo da Vinci. In erasing all of the women and children from the Last Supper, not only did he make it into a joke (“I’ll take a table for 26, please” “Oh, but you only have 13.” “I know, but we all want to sit on the same side”), he also removed the religious element from it. Without at least one child present, there can be no Passover meal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KnightofChrist Posted August 3 Share Posted August 3 IOC: *lets off big fat wet smelly rotten f@rt in the face of Christ and His Church* Hna Caridad: "Actually, if you Christians don't like it you're just like those that crucified Jesus." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Didacus Posted August 3 Share Posted August 3 Feast of the gods is just a red herring. They knew exactly what they were doing, and much of the aim was to shock to get attention as always. They openly mock everything christian not just in their 'art' but in their interviews and comments and such. I fear your letter is just what they wanted, and it will have little to now positive effect. To mock and everything decent is their goal and I cannot imagine anything that wil lsteer them away from this. Their life style is their definition... Frère André 'Let us bare it quietly.'.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luigi Posted August 3 Author Share Posted August 3 1 hour ago, Didacus said: I fear your letter is just what they wanted, and it will have little to now positive effect. To mock and everything decent is their goal and I cannot imagine anything that wil lsteer them away from this. Their life style is their definition... Frère André 'Let us bare it quietly.'.. I agree that it will have little to no effect in the long run. I'm trying to kick them where it hurts - in the wallet. I am bearing it quietly, and not watching. I wouldn't have watched much even under ideal conditions because I lost interest in the Olympics years ago. So it's not difficult for me to bear it patiently and not watch. But if enough of us don't watch, the IOC might notice. Also, I blame the French organizing committee more than I blame the IOC itself; however, everything that happens at the Olympics is under the aegis of the IOC proper, so maybe if enough people don't watch, the IOC will oversee future organizing committees more closely. To quote Dear Old Dad, "It's the least I can do, and I always do the least I can." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Didacus Posted August 4 Share Posted August 4 Indeed - I am not watching either. I usually looked at the Olympics as a good hearted patriotic type event, while setting aside differences with other nations and being sportsmanlike and stuff. But France's comittee I would wager ASKED for this, by design, from the top and for the very purpose of offending Christians as much as possible. France has had numerous cathecrals and churches vandalized and burned down in the last 5 years, almost systematically much like in Canada. Including of course, the Great Notre Dame which will never be the same... This much destruction, mockery and insult cannot be by mere chance. It is orchestrated on a grand scale. Christianity is indeed under attack, constantly. Lord be with us, Lord have mercy. Saint Michael defend us. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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