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A Podcast with Survivors of the SMMI (Sisters Minor of Mary Immaculate)

Saint Lemon

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Saint Lemon

A podcast with the Survivors of the SMMI (Sisters Minor of Mary Immaculate)

As this website was blessed enough to allow posts about the abuse in the SMMI (which led to the Huffington Post doing a story on it, validating the abuses), I believe it should be known that there is now a podcast where the survivors are allowed to speak. It is NOT anti-Catholic. It is NOT anti-religion. It is NOT angry. The interviewed simply allows the people to speak, and in doing so, the forest of Truth blooms again and again. On behalf of all the survivors and myself, I thank you.


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Saint Lemon

My thanks to all those who have listened to the podcast and reached out to the host after this post . It has very much helped in finding others who were involved. My prayers of gratitude to everyone. The Truth, as Jesus said, shall rise.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Saint Lemon

Little2add, as you a respected person on this site, why the hatred/dismissiveness of a topic (the SMMI abuse) that has been on this site for many years? Also a topic that has helped many people? 

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The Prayer, Christ Our Morning Star 

O Christ, our Morning Star,
Splendour of Light Eternal,
shining with the glory of the rainbow,
come and waken us
from the greyness of our apathy,
and renew in us your gift of hope.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just a brief update. Thank you to all of you who listened. We have had MANY more people come forward and know what went on. And, for the record, this is NOT SPAM. If anyone here chooses to deny what has been stated in both the Huffington Post and the podcast, not to mention the absolute need for such things to be written down to allow people who choose to join the religious life now avoid something evil, I leave that up to free will. This is not spam. If anyone chooses to pray for this post, I thank you. This situation needs prayers. The Russian spam of chemical contents of drugs, well,, I will leave that up to those those who care for this site. Phatmass has done much good. May it forever stay that way.

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