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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Well, That's Fun!


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Welcome aboard, Jesse Keelt! 

We haven't had a good spammer on here in just the longest time! This old school message board must be reviving if we're drawing the attention of a spammer. 

Maybe we could use your trailers as "prayer trailers" - we could get some good over-the-road evangelization going, become prayer warriors on the move, take up itinerant MO-BILE preaching, that kind of thing. 

I do have to say I was disappointed that your post in Feed Your Ears didn't include a Gospel song. I was hoping you had posted some new song or new sound to delight our ever-loving Gospel-loving ears. Post your favorite Gospel song - it will give us insight into who you are and helpus get to know you better!

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YAY!  Two more spammers - in Russian, no less! Do we have any Russian Orthodox on the board who could tell us what Albertneuch and Keithtot are selling?

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And now for something completely different - medications for head lice! This is terrific!

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