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On the morning of May 22, 2024, the Diocese of Fort Worth published private decrees from the Holy See dated April 30, 2024, and a statement from the Bishop of Fort Worth on their diocesan website.


These decrees from the Holy See include one overturning Bishop Olson’s peremptory and unlawful dismissal of our Mother Prioress from the Carmelite Order last year. It is time for Bishop Olson to apologise publicly, and in person to us, for this abusive act which has now been publicly recognised as such by the Holy See.


In respect of the decrees upholding Bishop Olson’s investigation of allegations against our Mother Prioress, we repeat that his investigations were flawed in radice, carried out in an intimidatory manner and violated her ecclesiastical and civil rights. It is reprehensible that medical evidence proving these allegations to be completely unfounded and fabricated has been ignored by the Holy See.


In addition, we are surprised that, as we learn from the decrees themselves, these matters were decided by the Holy See on March 12th but were not communicated to us in April together with other documents dated April 18th. We can only speculate that some authorities hoped that they would not have to deal with our recourses and that these issues could be swept under the carpet.


We are profoundly disappointed that, in the place of the dialogue about which they speak so much, the relevant persons have once again chosen to resort to unproven narratives and attempted public humiliation to achieve their ends. This includes the fact that the members of the community never obstructed the so-called "investigation" by Bishop Olson. As stated in the Constitution of the U.S. and seconded by Pope Francis himself, every person - including every religious woman - has the right to counsel. For anyone, including a Bishop, to try to stop a person from consulting a lawyer, civil or canonical, is obstruction of justice.


On Wednesday May 22, 2024, without any notice or warning, the President of the Carmelite Association of Christ the King, accompanied by another nun, attempted to enter Arlington Carmel in spite of the prohibition on her from so doing made in our statement of April 20, 2024. The next day she violated this prohibition again.


We maintain our rejection of any takeover of our community or its assets, as has happened repeatedly to other Monasteries of women in our country and throughout the world. We remain firm in following Our Holy Mother St. Teresa's directive that each monastery remain autonomous in its self-governance and life, including the election of its superiors from among its own members. We are astonished that in our day and age, even some members of the Holy See itself refuse to follow the guidance of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, regarding the dignity of and respect for women.


"Let us respect their dignity, their basic rights. And if we don't, our society will not progress. Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world,"

Pope Francis says in his video message for April 2024.


We thank our faithful friends and supporters and assure them of our continued prayers, just as we continue to pray for the Holy Father and for the Bishop and Diocese of Fort Worth.


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Other documents are available too since this conflict seems to be playing out very publicly on the diocese's and the monastery's websites- and getting news attention.

The texts of the four separate letters from the Dicastery are posted on the Fort Worth Diocese website.  The first one overturns the bishop's dismissal of the prioress. The bishop's statement presents his own actions and behavior in the best light, glossing over the finding that he failed to follow required procedure in dismissing the prioress. The other three letters uphold the bishop's actions as consonant with his duties and responsibilities and with current legislation for contemplative religious women (Cor Orans and the 1990 Discalced Carmelite Nuns' Constitutions, which Arlington follows).  

Also posted is a statement written by Mother Marie of the Incarnation, President of the Association of Christ the King. It describes how she was refused admittance to Arlington Carmel when she attempted on two occasions to deliver individual letters from the Dicastery to each of the nuns there, as she was instructed to do by the Dicastery.  

There is a new statement on the Arlington Carmel webpage as of May 23rd as well. They include justification for their actions based in part on the U.S. Constitution, an odd choice since the Holy See is not bound by that in any way. 


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I have no questions that the Dicastery has acted in good faith, however, what I do not understand is the same office has not responded to the request of the Nuns regarding the deplorable behavior this Bishop who have repeatedly violated the privacy of the nuns and has abused them.  His behavior caused trauma among nuns within the community.  

The decree has stated that his role as Pontifical Commissary has ended yet, he will be working closely with the Association president and I quote: 

"I will work closely with her, providing counsel, resources, and support as needed. As is my responsibility as the local bishop of the nuns under canon law and the Rule and Constitutions of the Carmelite Order, I will oversee at the appropriate time the election of new leadership of the Arlington Carmel given the expiry on January 8, 2024, of Mother Teresa Agnes’ term as Prioress, as well as the terms of the offices of subprioress and councillors."

I find this contradictory and confusing - a conflict of interest.  This is so puzzling and bewildering to me.

For me, the Association President should under the Dicastery directly; The Holy See through the Dicastery should provide resources, counsel and support to the Association President.  The Bishop would be taken out of the equation since, he in the first place, fired the first shot and the Nuns responded to defend themselves.  

While it is true that the Nuns switched and follows the 1990 Constitutions, they are under the direction of the Holy See through the Ordinary and not the Superior General of the Order.  I happened to have copies of 1991 and 1990 Texts.  But when the Bishop is the main culprit, it understood that the direction now would be coming from the Holy See.  Obviously, how can be this Bishop be objective when he is the one who started persecuting and abusing the Nuns?  Also, the Primitive Rule of Carmel prescribes: Necessity has no law.

I am glad that the Vatican has rescinded the dismissal of Mother Teresa Agnes since per Canon Law, she did not violate its prescriptions.  I read them myself and the only time any religious can be removed lawfully is if they have been warned repeatedly but remains unrepentant and incorrigible.  Which is not the case.  The invistigation conducted by this Bishop and his companion is unlawful, cloning of the Nuns gadgets are illegal, and publishing the the so-called results of the investigation in public is highly questionable.  I am not saying that Mother Teresa Agnes is not without fault here but did she deserved dismissal and being shamed in public?  

The Bishop is supposed to be a Shepherd to his flock - the Diocese.  Is this how a Shepherd should behave and act towards his flock?  Is this how you want any Bishops in your respective Dioceses behave?  

Now, let me reiterate that this is not the first time this Bishop has been litigated or complaints filed against him.  No, it happened many times in the past.  You can check google and legitimate news agencies have covered this news extensively.

With there recent implementation of Car Orans, the Association President has the right to conduct Visitation and if she was nominated by the Holy See to oversee the a monastery who is a member of the said Association, she has the right to exercise her mandate.  It is unfortunate that Mother Marie of the Incarnation, I am sure she is a fervent and holy Nun, I think she has been a former Prioress of Lake Elmo Carmel, one of the most fervent and traditional Carmel in the USA, but if she was sent to Arlington Carmel with full support and advised from the Bishop, then its clear that this is also - a conflict of interest.

When the community of the late Mother Angelica, PCPA has some internal issues, Vatican sent a Poor Clare Colette and a Benediction Nun - both of which were former Superiors of their respective communities.  The same should be done by the Vatican to prevent any conflict of interest.






Edited by graciandelamadrededios
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