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Visit to Carmel


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Hi y'all! My apologies for being so inactive. Life got really crazy :)


I visited the Carmelites of Mary Ever Virgin. They moved from Victoria, Texas to Connecticut a couple of years ago, and it wasn't until a week ago that I had time to be able to visit them. The sisters are Sister Mary Ruth and Sister Maria. It is a very small community, but most Ancient Observance Carmels are. I spent two days with them, and it was amazing! They founded their little community because they wanted to "return to the roots of Carmel" while also having a mix of modernism. This means that they are learning Gregorian chant, but still allow phone calls and short visits before aspirancy.

They are situated in the city, and they sing, in Latin, most of the Office. They do have traditional Latin Mass, but most of it's in English, for the laity.

It was an amazing experience, and I can't wait to be able to spend more time with them! 

If y'all have any questions, I'm more than happy to answer them!

May God bless y'all!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought there was a minimum number of nuns allowed and then they had to amalgamate with another Carmel. If it dropped below that number.  But not sure of the exact rules. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not really sure about that either GraceUk. I know that all the Ancient Observance Carmels in the United States have less than ten professed members. The sisters I went to visit are trying to revive the Ancient Observance customs by reintegrating solemn chant and Latin. They have been accepted by many bishops, and have back up plans for their community if, God forbid, it fails. 

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