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book on Celibacy


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Dear phatmass-ers

I'm on the hunt for a book I heard about years ago. It was about celibacy for Religious and was written by a Mercy Sister... maybe an Australian but maybe not (I can't remember why I think it was an Australian!)

It has a rose on the cover of it. I can't remember the title or the author, just the rose on the cover and the theme of celibacy.

Any help would be appreciated!


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This will be quite hard to track down I think.  Have you any idea of the date of publication. And was the word Celibacy in the title. That would make it easier if it was. 

Having said that I just googled book on celibacy by a sister of mercy. I can't do links but this came up. A book by Janette Gray who was an Australian sister of Mercy. Neither Escaping not Exploting Sex. Womens celibacy. Published in 1995. Would that be the one. 

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I'm glad we've found this book. I had a similar thing with a book I read many years ago. Didn't know the title or the author. Eventually managed to track it down years later with a bit of detective work. It was about a young woman  who entered a Trappist monastery in France. Under the austere regime her health broke down after about two years  and she had to leave. But said It was the happiest time of  her life.  It was Heaven by the Hems by Marina de Berg. It is dated but a nice book and true story about a person's struggles.

Edited by GraceUk
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