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Fr. John Damian Azidie is a Discalced Carmelite in Nigeria. He runs an orphanage. This song is "Eat the Scroll," based on today's first reading. I like the music - it's a sort of flowing, relaxing sound, but you might need earphones to pick up the words of the verses. He sings the verses, and he's not mic-ed as well as the chorus singers. On a related note, the Dominican friars in Denver have a Bible study group called Eat the Scroll. 


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Here's Nina Simone signing the spiritual "Nobody's Fault But Mine." It doesn't have anything to do with the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe or today's readings. I just like it. It's just her voice and her piano-playing. 


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For the Feast of the Assumption, Fontella Bass singing "I Surrender All." I never thought of this as a Marian hymn, but when I listened to in with the Assumption in mind, it fits well. I've posted other songs by Fontella Bass from this same album, and I did look for some other singer to post today, but I didn't like any of their videos; if you're interested, there are lots of them on YouTube. I can't find the name of the back-up trio on this song (the Internet really DOESN'T have all the information one might be looking for), but I like them very well, too. 


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Wanda Jackson was probably the first female Rockabilly singer. She got religion well into her career, and she recorded several Gospel albums. This is "If Jesus Changed Your Life (He'll Change Your Song)" from 1984. I can't, for the life of me, track down who wrote it. Its structure is pure honky-tonk country. I like the way she intertwines religious references with barroom references and references to honky-tonk songs, comparing and contrasting, sometimes directly and sometimes by implication. 


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This is a male trio called Greater Vision, and they sing "Preacher, Tell Me Like It Is." Musically, it's not very different or original. What I find interesting is that the singer (representing the congregation, I guess) is telling the preacher to preach. I assume this is in reaction to the watered down Gospel, the prosperity Gospel, the feel good Gospel that has become popular in recent years. Ain't' it a shame when the people have to tell the preacher how to preach?!


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Today's first reading starts with "Wisdom has built her house" and further downstream is the line "Let the simple turn in here." This song is based on those two lines. Musically, it's one woman - Angela Lashley - singing (she sings the harmony, too) to a simple guitar strum. She released this song in 2000. The verses list reasons people don't seek wisdom, and each verse ends with "Let the simple come inside." It's a simple but effective structure. 


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Today's Gospel tells the story of the rich young man who Jesus tells to sell all that he has, give it to the poor, and follow Jesus. This song - Sell Everything You Have and Give It to the Poor - tells that story in the first verse; the second verse is about the camel going through the eye of the needle; after that, he repeats himself. The composer/singer is Bram Cools. His Facebook page says he's "an eclectic singer-songwriter from Belgium with lo-fi roots, with an own musical universe." The song appears on an album called "Safe Happy Christian Music for the Conservative Middleclass," which I love but which is sarcastic. 


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Today's Gospel reading ends with the line "But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first." This song is titled "The Last Shall Be First." It's one guitar and several voices, female and male. The melody is very simple, almost to the point of being chant, although there are a couple of melodic breakouts. It's a calm, contemplative song. I can find no real information about the group, though - I think it comes from Gosford Anglican Church in New South Wales, Australia. 


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Apropos of nothing at all, this is Sidney Poitier from the 1964 movie "Lilies of the Field" singing "Amen." It was actually written in 1948 and recorded & released in 1949 within Black Gospel music. But it became a Number 1 hit on the pop charts when it was incorporated into the movie. I can remember when the chorus was used at Sunday Mass for the Great Amen. smh...


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For the Queenship of Mary, the Regina Caeli in Latin, in Gregorian-chant style but it must be that early 20th century Gregorian chant - somewhat simplified from what I think of as Gregorian chant. IT's from Juliano Ravanello, who is Brazilian. All the credits are under the video. It's beautiful! 


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Today's first reading is about Ezekiel in the valley of the dry bones. The Delta Rhythm Boys had a hit with "Dry Bones" in 1952. It doesn't have much theology in it; it's almost a novelty number. They have a "smooth harmonies" sound, similar to the Mills Brothers and other groups of that era, but what makes this interesting is the way they go up a half-tone (about 8 or 10 times) in the first verse and then come down a half-tone (about 8 or 10 times) in the second verse. 


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Today's first reading for the feast of St. Bartholomew is John's vision in Revelation of Jerusalem descending from heaven. There's a famous spiritual called "Twelve Gates to the City." It's been around since about forever, and like all good folk songs, there are dozens of versions of it. I've chosen Mavis Staples singing to Marty Stuart's guitar accompaniment. Staples starts off with the standard verses, but as she approaches the end, she throws in a lot of standard concepts from the Black spiritual tradition, most of which aren't included in the other versions. 


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Today's first reading is from Joshua; he tells the Israelites that they must choose which God they will serve. So here's Shirley Caesar singing "Choose Ye This Day." She sang lead on this song back when was with The Caravans, but this version is from 1967, by which time she was in her solo career. The song doesn't retell the story of Joshua; the theme is the same, but it's based on her personal experience. 


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