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"Coeur de Jesus" is a hymn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is a long-standing tradition at all schools staffed by the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the RSCJ. It is always sung in French. It's sung on the feast of the Sacred Heart, at graduations, and at weddings and funerals of the alumnae. This is a one-minute version, chorus and first verse only, sung at Villa Duchesne in St. Louis. I cannot find a full version on YouTube, and the other versions I find are sung too fast. I post the lyrics as well. 

Coeur de Jésus sauvez le monde,
Que l’univers vous soit soumis
En Vous seul notre espoir se fonde
Seigneur, Seigneur, Vous nous l’avez promis.

(Heart of Jesus, save the world)
(May the world be submitted to you,)
(In you alone our hope is founded)
(Lord, Lord, you have promised us this.)

Verse 1:
Vous l’avez dit: Votre promesse
Fait notr’espoir, notre bonheur:
« Je bénirai dans ma tendresse
Les enfants de mon Sacré Coeur.

(You have told us: your promise)
(Will be our hope, our happiness:)
(“In my tenderness, I will bless)
(The children of my Sacred Heart.”)

Verse 2:
Vous l’avez dit: Sauveur fidèle,
Votr’ amour nous l’a révélé:
« Le coeur brulant pour Moi de zèle
Par le Mien sera consolé ! »

(You have said, O faithful Savior,)
(Your love has revealed it to us:)
(“The heart that burns with zeal for Me)
(Will find consolation in my Heart.”)

Verse 3:
Vous l’avez dit: notre faiblesse
En Vous trouve son Protecteur,
Dans votr’amour soyez sans cesse
Jésus  notre Réparateur

Verse 4:
Vous l'avez dit: les vies flammes
De grace et de l'maour vain-queur
Aideront au salut des âmes,
Les apôtres de votre Coeur.

Verse 5:
Vous l'avez dit: Source de grâces,
Votr'Amour se delatera,
Comblant de ses dons efficaces
Le Coeur qui vous honorera.

Verse 6:
Vous l'avez dit: quand votr'image
Meuvra la gloire et l'honneur
Parmi nous ce sera le gage
Des bien-faits de votre grand Coeur.

Verse 7:
Vous l'avez dit: le coeur qui M'aime
Sur le Mien pourra s'endormir
Dans la paiz, à l'instant suprème
D'un jour qui ne doit plus finir.

Last Refrain:
Qu'importe si l'orage grande
Ça Vous nos coeurs sont affermis
Jésus, Vous êtes Roi du monde,
Régnez, malgré nos ennemis!


Courtesy of RSCJ Archives.


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I stumbled on this song this morning on an "alternative rock" radio station. It's MAJOR. (that's how he styles his name) singing "Joy in the Battle." This is new music, and I like it! The video has some interesting graphics in it, too, plus a little bonus message (in print) at the end. 


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"Let the Lower Lights Be Burning" was written in the late 1800s by an American, Philip P. Bliss. It has the typical poetic lyrics that were popular at the time. The lyrics are posted under the video. It's a "ship" metaphor - I've posted other songs of that type previously. This version is by the Redeemed Quartet, a professional Gospel group made up of two sets of brothers. Very good voices, great harmonies.  


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I'm posting this song because it was recommended by Fr. Mark Mary, ofm. His name is Seph Schlueter and the song is "Counting MY Blessings." It's a more modern sound than most of what I posted so far, but I like it real well. I especially like the line, "(knowing) I can't count that high" - I've been saying that for years myself, so I'm happy to hear it in a song. 


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This is Helene Cronin singing her composition "God Doesn't." Basically just a girl and a guitar (although I think I Hear a bass in there, too). Good voice, good lyrics. Lyrics in the video. 


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This is a song called "I Can't Even Walk," a standard of Southern Gospel music. The singers are Riley Gilbreath, who's about 20 years old and might weigh 90 pounds, and his momma, standing in a field in Crowley, Texas. Both of them stand about as still as fence posts. Riley plays the guitar and sings, and Momma adds harmony on the choruses. There's nothing fancy about it, but it's honest. 


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Harry Belafonte released a Gospel album, My Lord, What a Morning, in 1960. It included his rendition of "Merci, Bon Dieu," a Haitian song. I post the lyrics and their translation because they're in Haitian Creole. I don't know how to add the accents in my French translation. The lyrics would still be applicable today, if the situation in Haiti would stabilize.  

Mèsi Bondyé, gadé tou sa lanati poté pou nou
(Merci, Bon Dieu, regardez tous ca la nature porte pour nous)
(Thank you, good God, look at all that nature has brought us)
Mesi Bondyé, gadé kouman lamizè fini pou nou
(Merci, Bon Dieu, regardez comment la misere fini pour nous)
(Thank you, good God, look how misery ends for us.)

Mèsi Bondyé, gadé tou sa lanati poté pou nou
Mesi Bondyé, gadé kouman lamizè fini pou nou

Lapli tonbé, mayi pousé
(La pluie tombe, le mais grew)
(The rain fell, the corn grew)
Tou timoun ki grangou p'ralé manjé
(Tous petit monde qui ???? ???? mange)
(All the little children who were? hungry? ate)

Annou dansé mambo, annou dansé Pétro
(Et nous danse mambo, et nous danse Petro)
(And we danced the mambo, and we danced the Petro)
Papa Bondyé ki nan syèl, lamizè fini pou nou
(Papa Bon Dieu qui est dans le ciel, la misere fini pour nous)
(Papa good God who is in heaven, misery is finished for us)

Mizè ya fini pou nou
(La misere fini pour nous)
(Misery is finished/over for us)
Mizè ya fini pou nou
Mizè ya fini pou nou
Mizè nou fini


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Eternal Father, 
we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, 
and that of the whole of humanity, 
from the beginning 
to the end of the world 
at all the Masses 
that ever have or ever will be prayed. 
We offer Thee all the pains, 
sufferings, prayers, sacrifices, 
joys, and relaxations of our lives, 
in union with those of our Lord Jesus here on earth. 
May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, 
all His Blood, Wounds, 
and Agony save us, 
through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.



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The Silver Stars sing "I've Come Too Far to Turn Around," which is a theme that recurs fairly frequently in Gospel music. It's particularly good for folks who are growing weary on their Christian journey. The sound recording here is not the best - it's rather tinny - but the good voices & harmonies do come through. 


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Dion DiMucci started out as a doo-wop singer in the late 50s. ("The Wanderer," "Runaround Sue"); he was a relevant singer-songwriter in the late 60s ("Abraham, Martin, and John"); and he released Christian albums in the 80s. He's still around, and still making good music, too. This is "Come to the Cross," his own composition, in the musical style he was playing in the 80s - he doesn't try for a "Gospel sound" or for a "Contemporary Christian" sound. It's just Dion writing and singing like Dion. 


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Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of Battle;
be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke Him, we humbly pray, and do Thou,
O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
cast into Hell, Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl
through the world, seeking to ruin of souls.

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Bob Dylan wrote "Forever Young" in 1973. It follows the form of a traditional blessing that Jewish parents bestow on their children at the Friday evening meal, but he goes beyond that. While not a Gospel song per se, it does express a father's wishes for his children, with religious references. This rendition is by The Band; I like their soulful feel. Happy Fathers' Day! 


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