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FBI Targets Conservative Catholics as Possible Domestic Terrorists


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For a bit more context from CBS Austin, looks like they were looking at some Latin Mass Trads or something.  So my guess is due to Groypers.



The document showed that the FBI sent at least one undercover agent into the Catholic church and proposed that agents engage in outreach to Catholic parishes to gain sources within the church.

The bureau was specifically looking into a smaller group of ultra-traditionalist priests that practice “Latin Mass” and its members are typically referred to as "radical traditionalists," who usually lean far-right.

The whistleblower who leaked the report said this was an effort to find white supremacists because it claims that violent extremists have sought out Catholic churches. The FBI has since said that the document was removed from its system and the matter is under review but Republicans aren’t happy.


The Groypers are white nationalist  folks who were among the groups that attacked the US Capitol. Some of their membership is drawn from Rad Trads (like the fans of Michael "hate is a family value" Voris).  So this is most likely the FBI looking into a very real threat, by Catholics who have (see link on Rad Tradsl) already committed acts of terror on American targets...and the usual cast of politicians screaming how it's some sort of religious persecution to look at terrorists who hide behind their faith and tarnish our Church by their association.


That all said, wouldn't be a shock if they went too broad in the investigation, it's been known to happen sometimes.  


Edited by BG45
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Oh ya!?

Well here in Canada we have a Prime Minister who essentially encourages minorities to burn down our churches!  Beat that!

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Do you remember when the Atlantic ran that article "How the Rosary Became a Extremist Symbol"? 

That article and others written by left leaning and far-left media groups were sited by the FBI in their targeting report of Traditional Catholics.

Which by the way was later revealed to be far wider than the FBI originally claimed. 

It's likely it will continue and will grow to include pro-lifers. Which in fact is already happening. Don't go to DC and peacefully protest against partial birth abortion unless you're willing to serve 11 years in prison. 


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Also, important to note how as of late non-whites have been labeled white supremacists by the media and agencies like the FBI. Strange times. 

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Seems like the beginning of a minor persecution.

It's been a long time coming, very slowly, but very surely.

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Judiciary Committee Uncovers Multiple FBI Field Offices Coordinated to Prepare Anti-Catholic Memo

August 9, 2023 

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government Chairman Mike Johnson (R-LA) just sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray revealing that the FBI Richmond Field Office coordinated with multiple FBI field offices across the country to produce the memo targeting traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. 




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The first thing the government does when it takes up a topic - any topic - is to write definitions. "Deaf" has a federal definition; "blind" has a federal definition; "underemployed" has a federal definition; etc. This is necessary for obvious reasons - we all have to be on the same page to be sure we're communicating accurately, government workers have to determine which citizens qualify for government benefits, citizens who are turned down for government benefits have to explain why they should be granted benefits based on inaccurate definitions, classifications, etc. 

My point is that, if the federal freaking government defines "conservative Catholics," we will all - finally! - have a common definition! We can't agree amongst ourselves precisely what it means, but Big Gummint will soon clarify it for everyone. 

(Does anyone want to create a betting pool, or a related thread, about what the definition will include? Attends fish fry during Lent. Prays the rosary voluntarily. Owns more than one prayer book. Sends children to parish school. Wears a veil in church. Receives the Eucharist kneeling. Is pro ad orientam. Attends Mass in Latin. Requires smells & bells. Knows more feast days than just Christmas. Prefers the Church calendar to the Julian calendar.  What else?)

Edited by Luigi
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Not sure if that definition will be a good thing.  For sure it will be tailored to their preferences rather than reality - and likely the definition will be weaponized.

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On 8/30/2023 at 10:12 AM, KnightofChrist said:

Do you remember when the Atlantic ran that article "How the Rosary Became a Extremist Symbol"? 






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