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Sound of Freedom

fides' Jack

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fides' Jack

The biggest movie of the July 4 weekend of 2023, the Sound of Freedom is not just based on a true story - it details much of actual events in the life of a man who was assigned to investigate (and save) child sex trafficking victims.  

It is absolutely disgusting that the left wants to portray this as conspiracy theory.  What are they trying to hide?  Why is it so important to them to murmur against this movie, even to the point of making fun of the children involved?  It's beyond sick.  "Imagine being upset about a movie exposing child sex trafficking and thinking you’re the good guys." - exactly.

CNN literally interviewed the guy portrayed in the movie in 2014/2015 after he completed the busts.  This is not fake news.  

Nobody has to like the movie.  But if anyone for one second believes that CNN/MSNBC/Fox News are anything other than paid propaganda outlets who are covering for every crime perpetrated by the left that they can - that person is delusional to the extreme.

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Very much agreed.  It is staggering how much pushback this movie is getting.  The agenda behind the alphabet club is showing more and more.  Hopefully this is end of the slippery slope, but somehow I doubt it.

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fides' Jack

It makes perfect sense now!: 


One film critic from Bloomberg who published an article with Bloomberg about the film is, in fact, a spokesperson for Prostasia, an advocacy group for M.A.P. (minor attracted persons).  

The world is sick and people need to wake up.

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There is not a single argument in favor of homosexuality that cannot be used in favor of pedophilia or bestiality or trans or whatever else may come.

What we are seeing is the slippery slope in full force.  That's all.

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Now you can see, if you have eyes that see, what Kurt Cobain had to deal with but lacking the very hard won detachment of a Bob Dylan.  That lacking drove Kurt to suicide.

We could have bacteria and virus here on earth that we do not recognize as such and now we have taken it into outer space and the moon, where it is possible perhaps it comes to life.  We have landed on the moon without solving the problems we have here on earth.  God help us!

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fides' Jack

I'm fairly certain that the above is either trolling or is a post by someone who had broken into @BarbTherese's account. 

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:)Price of cup of coffee same as serve of fish and chips :popcorn2:




Oh give them $1, Jack, you wont get much change if any.  Cost varies from place to place, but you certainly should not be asked for more.  If perchance you are, contact Consumer Affairs, as you will be being overcharged. :popcorn2:


Edited by BarbTherese
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Dont frighten about the world.  It is a beautiful place with beautiful people.  Actually, in comparison, rare is the evil person such as you have been discussing.  Such read, you know, and adopting the frightened mentality, such can work out how to attract the frightened.  DONT BE STUPID!

The frightened can read too!




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Kurt Cobain's MEMORIAL (Kurt was cremated and his ashes scattered in Washington DC Memorial Park)

On April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer and guitarist of the American rock band Nirvana, was found dead at his home in Seattle, Washington. HERE

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fides' Jack
  On 7/28/2023 at 11:49 PM, BarbTherese said:

Oh give them $1, Jack, you wont get much change if any.  Cost varies from place to place, but you certainly should not be asked for more.  If perchance you are, contact Consumer Affairs, as you will be being overcharged. 


I don't know what this means.  I'm now leaning heavily toward believing that BarbTherese is a bot.

  On 7/29/2023 at 12:16 AM, BarbTherese said:

Dont frighten about the world.  It is a beautiful place with beautiful people.  Actually, in comparison, rare is the evil person such as you have been discussing.  Such read, you know, and adopting the frightened mentality, such can work out how to attract the frightened.  DONT BE STUPID!


This goes to show the misunderstanding of what I have been saying, and also the misunderstanding of Catholic theology.  The beauty of people fades the more they sin.  Due to concupiscence, we are all the evil person I have been discussing.  A person who refuses to admit their own evilness is exactly the kind of evil person I have been discussing.  It is precisely because we fail to repent that we are evil.  And it is precisely when we fail to acknowledge our sins that we are fully deserving of eternal damnation, as liars, as murderers, as thieves, as idolaters, etc....  It is the work of modernism, and fully condemned by the Church, to suggest that people are not inclined to evil.

I do believe the world is a beautiful place with beautiful people.  They are beautiful because they are made in God's image.  They become ugly when they refuse to acknowledge their evil and repent.

Also, don't assume that because you read my comments and find them to be negative, that they are so.  I am very, very much looking forward to what is coming for this world.  I am excited for the chastisement to come.  People see it as frightening because of their guilty consciences.  I too have a guilty conscience, but I frequent confession and I have hope and trust in God, Whom I love above all things.  Soon, very very soon, much of the evil in this world will be wiped out, including all forms of modernism.  

  On 7/29/2023 at 12:16 AM, BarbTherese said:




Agreed, but it's not the only dangerous place.  

  On 7/29/2023 at 3:36 AM, BarbTherese said:

Kurt Cobain's MEMORIAL (Kurt was cremated and his ashes scattered in Washington DC Memorial Park)

On April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer and guitarist of the American rock band Nirvana, was found dead at his home in Seattle, Washington. HERE


Kurt Cobain was a drug addict and very possibly a satanist.  His music is demonic.  I have no idea why anyone would post that here, or what these random music videos have to do with anything.

Edited by fides' Jack
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