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Hi ya'll. I'm closing down the phorum, but want to get your thoughts on a place where you might still continue this community.

I'm considering directing everyone to either a Phatmass Facebook Group, a Phatmass Reddit, or a Phatmass Discord Server. Any thoughts?

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

WoW! The end of an era! Time passes. God alone suffices! 

thank you for all your hard work these many years!

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I echo Sr. Mary Catharine. Will seem so strange not to see this site anymore. Thank you for keeping up with it. I know it's a lot!

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I echo the rest and have enjoyed it.  It is a lot of work and $$ for you and I appreciate it. Thank you! 


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If the reason for shutting down is financial, have you ever researched options?  If you're a 501(3)c, free webhosting is available.  There's also a program (or at least there was) for free webhosting for Catholic churches - perhaps other Catholic entities would be eligible.  

As for a new platform to utilize, that's a tricky one and I would have mixed feelings.  Please keep us posted!

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1 hour ago, sr.christinaosf said:

If the reason for shutting down is financial, have you ever researched options?  If you're a 501(3)c, free webhosting is available.  There's also a program (or at least there was) for free webhosting for Catholic churches - perhaps other Catholic entities would be eligible.  

It’s not financial. It’s time and energy. I don’t doubt that this forum could continue to be relevant with a small team of dedicated volunteers and a leader who could commit a couple hours a day. That’s just not me. ? I’ve been like a deadbeat dad for many years around here and it deserves better.

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Also echoing Sr. M. Catherine. 
When it comes to another platform - I've always seen it as a great benefit, that one could find all the threads "from outside" eg when stumbling over it through a google research or so. So in my opinion Reddit would be the thing allowing for this. 

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Oh my goodness! And end to an era indeed. I'm very much of the generation who uses Facebook groups quite a bit. I don't even have the Reddit app but whatever his best for the majority.

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On 5/1/2023 at 1:08 AM, GraceUk said:

whatever everyone thinks is best


Edited by BarbTherese
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