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Gender Theory


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Ah yes - abortion, the 'sacred cow' of the left.

Yes, you can trace it back to that if you go further.

I have a tendency to speak of things which I observed first hand in my lifetime - abortion was established a bit before my adult life, so its not as readily on my mind when speaking of the slippery slope - but you are correct in your assertion.

My question is how far will the slope go until the populace wakes up and returns towards the truth?  I fear that nations will fall before that happens, including the USA and Canada.


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fides' Jack
  On 7/21/2023 at 1:41 PM, Didacus said:

My question is how far will the slope go until the populace wakes up and returns towards the truth?  I fear that nations will fall before that happens, including the USA and Canada.


I have the same fear.  But whatever it takes, I hope it comes soon.  It will be a glorious new era after our much-deserved chastisement comes.  And if I'm right, and that chastisement includes the chaining of satan spoken of in Revelation, all the better for the future of humanity.  To God be all glory, honor, and praise!

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  On 7/25/2023 at 3:00 AM, fides' Jack said:

I have the same fear.  But whatever it takes, I hope it comes soon.  It will be a glorious new era after our much-deserved chastisement comes.  And if I'm right, and that chastisement includes the chaining of satan spoken of in Revelation, all the better for the future of humanity.  To God be all glory, honor, and praise!


Be strong, be brave, be faithful until then.

I also hopes it comes soon - enough suffering has been had already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the 1940s, World War II. Men lied about their age to get in to enlist. Now, in 2023, we have men lying about their sex to get into women’s sports or women’s prisons or domestic shelters or sororities or bathrooms, locker rooms.”

My, my haven't we come a long way in 80 years?



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  • 7 months later...

This battle over providing/funding for  transgender medical procedures for children, based on their First Amendment right to religious freedom just the latest that centers around a provision from Obamacare that forbids discrimination based on sex.

The current administration has expanded the definition of "sex" to include "gender identity." Unfortunately, as noted above, the Supreme Court has already ruled that supposed gender identity can be included in that description, giving liberals a leg up in such debates.

How well this decision will stand up under appeal is difficult to predict.

To be clear, I do not buy for a moment the idea that human beings can "change their sex" through surgery or any other means. You don't need to rely on the Bible to inform you of that much. It's just basic science. So forcing anyone to pay for such "services" if they hold similar beliefs strikes me as inherently wrong.

 It would appear that society has fallen even further behind and abandoned realistic scientific practices even more than many have abandoned or even attacked Christianity. 


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An interesting linguistic detail in this whole debate is that the gender-benders always refer to "gender theory." And that's all it is - a theory. There is no science to support the theory.

In the meantime, the university set - primarily atheists - holler "follow the science" on a whole host of topics, but never on the fetal development of human beings since that would prove that a fetus is a person. 

It's selective reasoning. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/8/2024 at 1:26 AM, Luigi said:

An interesting linguistic detail in this whole debate is that the gender-benders always refer to "gender theory." And that's all it is - a theory. There is no science to support the theory.

In the meantime, the university set - primarily atheists - holler "follow the science" on a whole host of topics, but never on the fetal development of human beings since that would prove that a fetus is a person. 

It's selective reasoning. 


Their precepts are a matter of faith although they will never admit it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Godsplaining is a show on YouTube in which Dominican friars talk about various topics. When they interview guests, they sometimes change the name to Guestsplaining. I recently watched this show, but there are several others available on different aspects of the same topic, transgender ideology. This one's about half an hour long, and it features a general surgeon who blew the whistle on gender re-assignment surgery at Houston Children's Hospital, and his lawyer. I recommend it. 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Eternal Father, 
we humbly offer Thee our poor presence, 
and that of the whole of humanity, 
from the beginning 
to the end of the world 
at all the Masses 
that ever have or ever will be prayed. 
We offer Thee all the pains, 
sufferings, prayers, sacrifices, 
joys, and relaxations of our lives, 
in union with those of our Lord Jesus here on earth. 
May the Most Precious Blood of Christ, 
all His Blood, Wounds, 
and Agony save us, 
through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.




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