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Halloween video

fides' Jack

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Also known as Hallowtide, Allsaintstide, or the Hallowmas Season, Allhallowtide is the triduum or three days that encompasses the Western Christian observances of All Saints’ Eve (Halloween)


nothing to be afraid of here

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I'm all for the observance and celebration of Catholic feasts.  I'm no longer interesting in dressing up and going door-to-door to take candy sacrifices from people dressed as monsters or demons or witches or vampires or zombies or even in various states of undress as "sexy" whatever.  The secularization has moved us away from God and away from the proper celebration of these feasts and closer to a satanic ritual.  It's a mockery of Catholic faith.

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21 hours ago, fides' Jack said:

It's a mockery of Catholic faith.


my grandkids are dressing up and will be over for pizza and will tour local neighborhood friends for treats, no one is mocking anyone or anything.  

You make things sound so sinister and it's not. ?


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Of course your grandkids are not sinister about it. It's not necessary to intend to mock someone to actually do so.

That's the way the devil works - he gets people to serve him even without knowing it.  And little by little they fall away from God.  They lose the ability to see evil even when it's staring them in the face, without hiding anything.

Romans 1:28 - "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind and to things that should not be done."



Good luck to you and your grandkids tonight.  May God open both of our hearts to the truth.

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