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Star Wars Commercial Parody


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hmm, while i was mowing the lawn i remembered this cool episode 1 commercial and got the idea of doing a parody of it, using windows movie maker, odly enough it worked lol.

here is the commercial i am paroding:

and here is my parody:
i took basically all my video clips from vocation.com. dont really know where else to get priests in action.

(it might take a while to download on some computers)(you can also try right clicking on the link and save as)


im not really sure on how reliable this server is, so if someone could but it up on their own server that would be great.

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The priesthood is way cooler than being a Jedi Knight.

Instead of a lightsaber, I gots me a monstrance.

Oh, how do you like me now?

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I know you're asking Phikoz, but Ill answer too.

The original trilogy hands down, though I did enjoy epi 1. I hated epi two, save Ewan and Yoda.

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yes i think anyone who knows anything would say 4-6. although i dont like 1 at all, i think it ruined the style

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They should have bagged the mediclorian rubbish. It took the mysteriousness out off the Force, made it scientific. I hate that.

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Kilroy the Ninja

um.... that's different.

you of course realize that Qui guy is talking about VADER right???


And yes, Han did shoot first ....

but I like scoundrels. ;)

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hey phikoz thats awesome

i make movies also and i never have ideas so if u see anything lemme know and ill slap it together... also, where did u get that video footage of priests?

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Okay...my two cents...

Oh, before that...I couldn't see the commercial you made, it's blocked from my work. Reason: sex. I dont' get it...it must be that the server you are using hosts bad sites or something...of course, my company is really hard on blocking sites...I'm waiting for them to block Phatmass...

Anyway, I am a big SW fan...BIG!! Anyway...I have to say EP 4-6 are by far the best, EP 1 was "ok" and EP 2 was better. I know people didn't really like EP 2 as much, but it set up a lot of stuff for the originals.

Now...my big thing comes to a question that a friend of mine asked me once. She made the comment about "Why are they in robes, why can't they marry." etc...The first thing that popped into my head was: They are the protectors of the universe, much like our religious (Brothers, Priests, Nuns, etc) are protectors of mankind who teach us to focus and Trust in God...Jedi teach to trust in the Force. It got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, Lucas uses more religious undertones in the movies than we have ever thought...

I could be completely wrong of course...but I like thinking that the Jedi are bonafide Monks and Nuns fighting the evil of the universe! :D

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[quote]why can't they marry[/quote]
A priest is committed to the churhc, if they married, it would go against the church teaching, because they then would have two spouses!

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