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Catholic Teaching


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I am putting this up for debate curious on your thoughts that the current Catholic teaching system both School system, and Catechism classes within parishes are not sufficent to teaching our Children about the faith anymore. I think that our parishs should focus more on a socratic method allowing Children to ask questions and introduce the faith as more hands on rather then simple doctrinal beliefs. I have always found that its easier to teach when the student is willing and wants to explore rather then being forced to learn. So i think there needs to be mroe innovation (not nessciarly more fun and games) but create an atmosphere of discovery where it gives youth a chance to build good consciences and learn how to become docile. Also they have a chance to question teachings and get solid answers rather then evertyhing often being fed to them with little or no choice in exploring the material. Also i think we need better qualified teachers and the whole catechims has to be different then normal teaching style the last thing children want is to go to a cathechims monday night or on the weekend that is exactly like regular school the whole program in my eyes needs a good refreshing.

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I would definitely agree that the program needs a good refreshing, I like your ideas, but I'm not sure how practical they would be for teaching religion to the masses. It is actually kind of how we set up the Newman Club meetings at my college, but for little children it is hard to find something a whole class has a question about and run with it, ya know?

Personally, I think there needs to be more emphasis on the essentials of the Catholic faith, and I mean more than Jesus loves me, etc. If our religious education programs were based around the Eucharist and the Sacraments, and are aiming to have children's lives centered around the Eucharist, I think they would be much more fruitful. Current events are nice, but kids need to have a solid understanding of the basics before they can analyze more intricate issues and questions properly. It seems to me that religious ed classes today focus too much on peripheral issues and not enough on Catholicism itself.

just my .02

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I couldn't agree more that the parishes need to step up on teaching kids the Catechism and the faith of the Catholic Church. While I was in youth group etc. we did not really learn much concerning the Catechism, more or less we learned the simple guidelines of the Catholic faith. But I also believe that it doesn't depend solely on the parishes themselves. It also should be helped along by the children's parents. If the parents are willing to help out along with what the Church is teaching their children then it is a positive reinforcement. I'm only 19 yrs old and everything I know about the Church I luckily learned from my father. And I'm glad that he started teaching me at a young age. But not everyone has parents like mine, some teen Catholics are even kept away from the faith by their parents, there needs to be a way to educated them. But thats just my opinion.

God Bless,

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I agree i was talking to one of my priests i was reading the Lambs Supper and he looked at the book and said "good book but i couldnt get past the 3 chapter was too boring to me" I responded "Father how can this stuff be boring like its exiciting stuff here" he said "I know william but when you get to my age you dont bother reading stuff you already know about and by the third chapter i knew there wasnt anything in there i did not already know" So i quizzed him about when he first knew about all this stuff and he said that they were taught it all in high school religion. Now to stop and think about that taking a book like that lambs supper or that content in an average high School Religion course is unheard of but he also told me that now the students are sooo poorly catechised that would never be able to happen or rarley. So there needs to be something done i am not quite sure what the right apprach is however anyone else here have any ideas?

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Well since not all Catholic children are able to go to Catholic Schools we can not just depend on the schools to educate them. I think it all begins with the child's Church, itself. It should begin in the youth groups or have Sunday school after Mass.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 12 2004, 12:57 AM'] Well since not all Catholic children are able to go to Catholic Schools we can not just depend on the schools to educate them. I think it all begins with the child's Church, itself. It should begin in the youth groups or have Sunday school after Mass. [/quote]
Actually, all education should begin in the homes, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. :)

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lol Zach I was talkin about the parishes since not all kids can go to Catholic Schools, if you read my other posts you'll see I mentioned that parents should also play in this part of the education of their child

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Jul 12 2004, 03:56 AM'] Actually, all education should begin in the homes, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. :) [/quote]
Interesting concept, but at this point not practical.

Parents cannot teach what they do not know. People educated in the "Jesus loves me system" couldn't name the commandments, precepts of the Church, or basic dogmas if their life depended on it.

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I agree it would be really difficult for that to happen in today's society.

If anyone's curious why I said that, I just stole the idea from the Catechism:

[quote]1653 The fruitfulness of conjugal love extends to the fruits of the moral, spiritual, and supernatural life that parents hand on to their children by education. Parents are the principal and first educators of their children.162 In this sense the fundamental task of marriage and family is to be at the service of life. [/quote]

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i agree cmom and thats why we need to educate parents since one cannot teach what one doens't know.

when my parents had me in private school, the school also made it mandatory for parents to take classes as well.

i thought that was the best deal ever.

its the parents responsiblity to learn and know their faith, and to raise and teach their children.

because like qfnol said, parents are and will be the "first teachers" and also the "example" of living the faith, since everything starts at home.

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I know the parents are the primary educators, but they can't teach what they don't know.
Most people today have this erroneous idea that the Church has changed its basic doctrines and they don't feel qualified tro teach the pitiful amount that they do remember from 8th grade CCD 20 years ago.
The only books they have seen in the last 20 years are the popular carp put out by the dissidents.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 12 2004, 02:36 AM'] I know the parents are the primary educators, but they can't teach what they don't know.
Most people today have this erroneous idea that the Church has changed its basic doctrines and they don't feel qualified tro teach the pitiful amount that they do remember from 8th grade CCD 20 years ago.
The only books they have seen in the last 20 years are the popular carp put out by the dissidents. [/quote]
I know, it's sad. :sadder: Much of my education (most probably) came from Mass, my youth group, and independent study. I wish that there were less dissidents and more people who cared. :sadder: Oh well, Fr. Benedict Groeschel says in one of his tapes that todays youth are actually more prone to seeking the orthodoxy of the Church. :) I was happy to hear that.

Although that makes you wonder, where did their love for the Church come from?

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[quote]I know the parents are the primary educators, but they can't teach what they don't know.
Most people today have this erroneous idea that the Church has changed its basic doctrines and they don't feel qualified tro teach the pitiful amount that they do remember from 8th grade CCD 20 years ago.
The only books they have seen in the last 20 years are the popular carp put out by the dissidents[/quote]

yeah its a shame :shame: i see it

one of the reasons why i want to get my theo degree

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