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Ecumenical Catholic Communion


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[url="http://www.catholiccommunion.org/"]Ecumenical Catholic Communion[/url]

This group gets me mad, especially when they label themselves "Catholic" to an extent. They actually believe they have the power to ordain women! They claim they broke of after the Pope [i]declared[/i] he was infallible:


They misinterpret some scripture passages:

[color=green][b]"'Does the ECC support the ordination of women to the ministerial priesthood and why?'
Absolutely! In the ECC, women are encouraged to respond to a genuine vocation and to participate in all levels of ministry – lay or ordained. As St. Paul writes: 'there is neither jew nor greek, slave nor free, male nor female, all are one in Christ Jesus.'"[/b][/color][url="http://www.catholiccommunion.org/html/frequently_asked_questions.html"](third question down)[/url]

My question is: If this passage allows for the ordination of women, just because we are all "one in Christ Jesus", then when was the last time we ordained a Jew? I guess Paul is more refering to the controversy over the baptisms of the Greeks in relation to the Jews being the chosen people, but this passage most certainly does [i]not[/i] refer to the ordination of women...

God Bless,

Edited by maxk
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They are one of many Churches like this. They use the name Catholic but aren't in communion with Rome. I used to have a link to a whole list of them. Here are a few of them:
American Catholic Church
Liberal Catholic Church
Anglo-Catholic Church

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Are you aware that the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod truly believes that it is the true Catholic Church? I have been debating this issue with a Lutheran minister via email for quite some time now. His defense is blatantly false.

Moral of the Story: Watch out for people who claim that they are Catholic and are not in communion with the Bishop of Rome.

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Just another fake Catholic Church :cyclops:

Just like going to a garage and yelling honk honk, it doesn't make you a car.

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Some Catholics (including myself) consider themselves Jews that found their Messiah. Peter and almost all the Apostles were Jews to begin with.

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Thats the first thing i check for when someone or an organization mentions they are Catholic is if they are in union with the Supremem Pontiff (last thing you want to be doing is supporting a group like CFFC). Funny story after a series of political and social unrest in Japan a few hundred years ago (Missionaries had already been there but had been cut off etc) when they arrived the Japanese apparanlty asked to questions

1) are your priests Celibate
2) do you have the Pope

For many years not to the xtent of the Malabar rite but for i think quite a substantial amount of time the inhabitants of Japan (i think they were acutally off the island for some reason however) but these Oriental Christians kept these two things to ensure that when the missionoaries came back the reped the true Church.

Edited by Crusader_4
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[quote]We are independent Catholic faith communities in that we are not under the jurisdiction of the Pope nor are we subject to the canon law or the guidelines of the Roman Catholic Church. We share common roots of the same Bishop – The Most Reverend Peter E. Hickman, also the Pastor of Saint Matthew Ecumenical Catholic Church, located in the city of Orange, CA. Though we also share a common Catholic theology and liturgical tradition, we differ significantly in many of the disciplines and rules that govern the Roman Catholic Church. Take a look at the Distinctives for specific details.[/quote]

There's the "R" word again. :)

[quote]We are practicing the original understanding of the Church which existed for the first 800 years of Christianity and still exists in the current Eastern Orthodox tradition. In this ancient understanding of Catholicism, each faith community was led by its bishop and pastoral councils. The people of each local faith community participated in the life of the Church by electing their bishops and taking an active role in the ministry of their faith tradition. The Pope was considered to be a spiritual leader, however, each community upheld the autonomy of its own life and governance. Approval from Rome was not required in the decision making process of each local church.[/quote]

This is definately different. This is why they say they're Catholic.

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"We are practicing the original understanding of the Church which existed for the first 800 years of Christianity and still exists in the current Eastern Orthodox tradition. In this ancient understanding of Catholicism, each faith community was led by its bishop and pastoral councils. The people of each local faith community participated in the life of the Church by electing their bishops and taking an active role in the ministry of their faith tradition. The Pope was considered to be a spiritual leader, however, each community upheld the autonomy of its own life and governance. Approval from Rome was not required in the decision making process of each local church"

And it is precisely why they are not.
When Pope St Clement [4th Pope after Peter] wrote to correct the Corinthians in 96AD he wrote as the Bishop of Rome expexcting to be obeyed.
The current successor expects to be obeyed as well.

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Definitely, if you read early Christian writings, the Pope was somebody heretics and rulers feared. I remember hearing that a Roman Emporer said he'd rather have a challenger to his thrown than another Bishop of Rome (pre-Edict of Milan).
[quote]Some Catholics (including myself) consider themselves Jews that found their Messiah. Peter and almost all the Apostles were Jews to begin with.[/quote]
I agree, Catholicism is the continuation of Judaism.
[quote]Just like going to a garage and yelling honk honk, it doesn't make you a car.[/quote]
What I do when I'm bored is none of your business!

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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Jul 12 2004, 12:11 AM'] Some Catholics (including myself) consider themselves Jews that found their Messiah. Peter and almost all the Apostles were Jews to begin with. [/quote]
I'll have to agree. I'm both Jewish and Roman Catholic! :)

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[quote]The Pope was considered to be a spiritual leader, however, each community upheld the autonomy of its own life and governance. Approval from Rome was not required in the decision making process of each local church[/quote]

And they call themselves Catholic? :huh:

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[quote]We are independent Catholic faith communities in that we are not under the jurisdiction of the Pope nor are we subject to the canon law or the guidelines of the Roman Catholic Church. [/quote]


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1337 k4th0l1x0r

This place sounds like the ultimate Catholic cafeteria.

The sad part is that most of the morality has been taken off the menu.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 11 2004, 11:54 PM']

Just like going to a garage and yelling honk honk, it doesn't make you a car. [/quote]
It does make you a "silly goose", though!!

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