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Missing P&w

Brother Adam

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This is part of the problem with the ecclesiology of the protestant churches. They have lost focus on the purpose and meaning of church. The point of P&W is too produce feelings in you. Talk to a "worship leader" and ask how they decide which songs to sing, and in what order. As Sojourner indicated, there is a certain amount of emotional manipulation involved. That time is geared to getting you in a spiritual frenzy.

Everytime I go to mass I am so grateful that God had mercy on me and called me into union with His Church.


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Brother Adam

I'm not saying P&W should be mixed with mass. I'm simply saying there should be an appropriate time and place for it. Even if it is a monday night to sit in a room with a guitar and sing joyful songs and pray.

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Jake Huether

Most Parishes I know of have a Prayer Group that meets at least once a week for P and W.

You should have no problem finding a group if you ask around. You would be a blessing to any group, Bro.

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[quote]I'm not saying P&W should be mixed with mass. I'm simply saying there should be an appropriate time and place for it. Even if it is a monday night to sit in a room with a guitar and sing joyful songs and pray.


This sounds like an easy problem to remedy...all you need is a guitar and some people to sing and pray with. :)

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Brother Adam

Yeah, but it remains that it is not a "catholic thing" unless it is those darn pentacostal catholics. ;)

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Brother Adam

Yeah, but it remains that it is not a "catholic thing" unless it is those darn pentacostal catholics. ;)

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 13 2004, 08:48 PM'] Yeah, but it remains that it is not a "catholic thing" unless it is those darn pentacostal catholics. ;) [/quote]
Name the date and time... I'm there...

Name the date and time... I'm there...

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I love P&W. We have it at my University parish, but b4 and after Mass. I think you all who miss it should start something yourselves with the permission of your priest. I think a lot of people will like it because a whole bunch of Catholic folks I know have all those CDs in their cars, and if not they see all the comercials, and I bet more of them would be able to sing along than you think lol.

If you can't find a group, then start one! That would be so cool! This former girlfriend of mine, at her parish the P&W group even mixed their own CD, with permission, and distributed it to the parishoners to get them interested.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In another forum a poster talked about how her Church has a Praise and Worship Holy Hour. I think that is fabulous. I also like the idea of making CD's.
I like to buy the Pope's CD's b/c I know money goes to the Church. If Praise and Worships CD's were made by lay people in the church maybe they could start an apostalate and the money or a percentage could go to the Church.

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Steubenville Concert Series, Steubenville Millinium Three, and Living: A Worship Experience all have a CD volume series of P&W and all are Catholic, so the P&W that preaches protestant doctrine aren't included on these CDs. I'm sure there are a lot more out there, you just need to look online - I know about these because I own these CDs. I agree about reping groups that support the Church.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Praise and Worship seems like a neat idea.. but then you ask yourself " welll why not just have a Mass with the Eucharist?" lol it all goes full circle

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But the great thing is, P&W wouldn't be instead of Mass it would be in addition to Mass. Sort of like MoM and CYO (some do singing and teaching together) Groups are apostolates that are used to help laity in their worship growth in addition to Mass, not instead of.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Jul 11 2004, 01:12 PM'] Right- what HS_mom said. It's not about being charasmatic at all. Charasmatics scare me. :shudder:
why do they scare you? i'm not trying to be confrontational or anything, just wondering :)
there is a charasmatic Catholic Church conference coming up and i've been entertaining notions of going to part of it...

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