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fides' Jack's Mega Anti-Vax Thread

fides' Jack

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Texas sues Pfizer:


From the lawsuit:

(a strikethrough seemed to be added from what I copy/pasted that ruined the rest of the post.  I can't seem to get rid of it.)


… Contrary to Pfizer’s public statements, however, the pandemic did not end; it got worse

… More Americans died in 2021, with Pfizer’s vaccine available, than in 2020, the first year of the pandemic

… a greater percentage of the vaccinated were dying from COVID-19 than the unvaccinated

… Pfizer’s vaccine plainly was not “95% effective.”

… In a nutshell, Pfizer deceived the public

… 95% efficacy against infection was highly misleading from day one

… it represented a calculation of the so-called “relative risk reduction”

… FDA publications indicate “relative risk reduction” is a misleading statistic that “unduly influence" consumer choice

...How did Pfizer respond when it became apparent that its vaccine was failing?

… By intimidating those spreading the truth, and by conspiring to censor the vaccine’s critics

… Pfizer labeled as “criminals” those who spread facts about the vaccine

… It accused them of spreading “misinformation.”

… it coerced social media platforms to silence prominent truth-tellers

… even went so far as to request that social media platforms silence a former FDA director because his comments could “driv[e] news coverage” critical of the vaccine

… In summary, Pfizer intentionally misrepresented the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine

… and censored persons who threatened to disseminate the truth

… the absolute risk reduction for defined COVID-19 cases was only 0.85%

… a vaccine’s absolute risk reduction is determined by subtracting the post- treatment risk rate from the baseline risk rate

… Using Pfizer’s Phase 2/3 data, this calculation is performed by subtracting the post-treatment risk rate of 0.04% (8/17,411 persons) found in the vaccine group

… from the baseline risk rate of 0.9% (162/17,511 persons) found in the placebo group

… which after rounding yields 0.85%

… Bourla … claiming that the vaccine prevented COVID-19 full stop and would end the global pandemic

… Pfizer’s misleading statements created the false impression that 95% of vaccine recipients would never obtain COVID-19, full stop

… February 2021 … Bourla responded that “at 6 months, the protection is robust.”

… At this time, however, Pfizer’s clinical trial data had not yet even collected six months of post- vaccination data for its participants

… Pfizer misrepresented that vaccination against COVID-19 prevented “transmission” between persons

… including from vaccinated persons with symptomatic or asymptomatic COVID-19 infections

… Pfizer misrepresented that its vaccine had substantial efficacy against COVID-19 variants—in particular, the Delta variant

I added emphasis on the points I find to be highly troubling.  But really every single point here is criminal.

Are people awake yet?  Would you still take the shot?

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Coming out of New Zealand:


In some instances, they are claiming as many as 30% of those who took the Pfizer shot are now dead.  Statisticians say the odds that it's not the shot killing these people are 100 billion to 1, which is considerably less likely than you winning the Powerball.

Is everyone awake yet?

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  • 3 weeks later...


A while back, I posted the original study which found the mRNA vaccines do alter human DNA, at least in petri dishes.  

Well, now it's clear that it's not just in petri dishes.  

Admittedly, "thepeoplesvoice.tv" is not exactly the gold standard of journalism.  But, then again, those voices in the media which are considered the gold standard have proved themselves to be leftist propaganda machines.

Regardless of the seriousness (or lack thereof) with which this specific news outlet is taken, the article is not lying.  The study they link to is real, and can be downloaded by anyone.  It says what the article claims.


On 12/1/2023 at 11:32 AM, Didacus said:

Seems everything is unravelling...

Conspiracy theorist: 15, sheeps: 0

Conspiracy theorist: 16, sheeps: 0


Is everyone awake yet?

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On 12/22/2023 at 11:24 PM, fides' Jack said:



Conspiracy theorist: 16, sheeps: 0


Is everyone awake yet?

Of course that is only a partial score... if we include such things as the border, elections, etc... the gap widens significantly.

Everyone should be awake by now, but seems a huge amount of people insist on pressing the snooze button!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Almost theologian

Normally I am pro-vacinnated but the moment that I found out that anyone with a history of allergic reaction requiring adrenalin treatment should not have the jab, I simply didn't. I have been exposed but thankfully not had covid at all. Maybe I have been lucky, maybe it was the astragalus....who knows but I will never willingly let a MRNA vaccine anywhere near me

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