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Mass In Zambia With No Shoes And Dancing


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Guest JeffCR07

pio, we (cmom and I) appologize for the confusion, I believe (cmom, please correct me if I am wrong) that she was refering to the norm in America. Thus, it would be illicit for she or I to partake in liturgical dance because it does not correspond to any sort of tradition of ours. To the best of my knowledge, it is possible for a bishop to allow for litugrical dance as an extraordinary circumstance (ie, there is a large catholic Hawaiian congregation in western california who ask permission of the local Bishop to say one Mass a week that uses liturgical dance because it is their tradition, to the Bishop grants them a dispensation). This in no way would change the rule against liturgical dance in the US that cmom was referencing.

I hope that helps, and if anyone finds anything that seems to disprove what I have stated, please post and tell me, thanks a lot!

- Your Brother In Christ, Jeff

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woha HELLO???? we do not have the right to go changing the mass and add in dancing its God's will that we follow not what we want to do (as in we want to dance) its 'Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven ' as we say in the Lords prayer and how God wants us to worship Him has been passed down from the apostles to us if he wanted us to dance during Mass surly he would have told the apostles and we would have been doing it for thousands of years all over the world but instead some people deside that THEY fancied dancing in the mass as a form of worship but i dont think thats what God wants because he would have told us. we are not worthly to change the mass and what God wants us to do !

another point: my dad once took a hindu friend of his to mass , after this man asked him what happened when he went up and recieved 'something' my dad answered that he went up and recieved the body, blood, soul and divinity of God the man then said but you just walked up to the front of the church just the same as if you where walking down the street if i believed that i was recieving my God or even actually in front of Him i would be on my hands and knees begging for His forgiveness not just walking up to the alter as if it was just an normal thing !!! - we are so blessed that God comes down to us in the Mass

this isnt exactly relivent but this story kida makes you think a bit dosnt it???!!!

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[quote name='pionono' date='Jul 10 2004, 10:41 PM'] How's this for inculturation and dance:


Mahoney's great isn't he? Such profound vision... [/quote]
I agree! These are beautiful.

I especially love the african garb...I like those wraps on the ladies heads. I like to see people in their native dress and embracing their culture.

These things are all gifts from God...our talents are gifts, and we are also God's gifts to each other.

Even beautiful clothes with patterns and colors...these are gifts from God.

Where else should we share God's gifts than in the church? They belong to God, not to hollywood.

But I'm speaking as a fine artist. Maybe I have a vision that others don't understand, but I have been given the gift of artistic vision through aesthetics, and poetic art.

This stuff makes me have tears of joy too.

I want to touch the face of all of the races and tell them they are beautiful and wish I could see everyone praising God at the same time in their own native tongues. I feel that it's how it should be....or it will be that way in the future when the church figures out how to do it without producing chaos.

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