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Mass In Zambia With No Shoes And Dancing


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[color=red][Edited by Ice Princess: negative comments about Novus Ordo Mass][/color]

In any event, Cardinal Arinze is trying to stop liturgical abuses like liturgical dance from happening in Africa (N.B., he is African). If he is Pope, there will likely be a Ratzinger-like "reform of the reform" which I do not support as the solution to the problem, but it is something that will improve current conditions at least. God bless.

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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First of all the proper title is Ordo Missae, not Novus Ordo.

Secondly there is nothing wrong with adapting to culture. that why its a UNIVERSAL CHURCH, not tied to a particular culture.

Guess what - Mass is a bit different in Japan and Korea as well.

Liturgical dancing is outlawed in the continental US, but not in Hawaii.

Please cite a document where Cardinal Arinze is tryinmg to0 stop liturgical dance in Africa or Hawaii.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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[quote name='flip' date='Jul 9 2004, 05:17 PM'] I am so jealous of the african Mass. I want to go sooo bad!!! [/quote]
When I listen to my HEART I feel the african mass sounds beautiful and natural. I would HATE to crush their spirits and take it all away with regulations. It seems so INNOCENT and PURE....like the Garden of Eden before the fall.

sniff sniff

But I know someone will tell me that I cannot trust my heart. I have to keep updated on the newest laws. I stopped listening to my heart a long time ago. I don't know what is right or wrong anymore, where I should go, how I should worship. Should I sit quietly or shout with joy? Tell me what to do.

My heart will be broken if they tell those africans to sit in pews in rows staring straight ahead and stop dancing and stop wearing tiger stripes. That is all I know.

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:) we're talking about mass here thats why.

thats mass in Africa. :) as well as mass being different in the different places

outside of mass, of course, there is no rubrics.
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Maybe I need to move to Africa. I might sway by mistake and commit a grave sin.

I found this article about the history of dancing in the liturgy.

Apparently I am not alone.

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St. Catherine

Dance does not belong in Mass in the Latin rite. It could be that the African dance could be from a different rite.

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Cure of Ars

[quote name='St. Catherine' date='Jul 9 2004, 07:43 PM'] Dance does not belong in Mass in the Latin rite. It could be that the African dance could be from a different rite. [/quote]
This post belongs to me. I forgot to log off as my wife and on as myself. I hate when I do that. :wacko:

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Oh no, no shoes, what a liturgical abuse.

On a [i]totally unrelated topic[/i] isn't Zambia one of the poorest countries in the world?

Edit: Yes, it is.


1. The U.N. classifies countries as ?least developed? based on three criteria: (1) annual gross domestic product (GDP) [b][color=red]below $900 per capita;[/b][/color] (2) quality of life, based on life expectancy at birth, per capita calorie intake, primary and secondary school enrollment rates, and adult literacy; and (3) economic vulnerability, based on instability of agricultural productions and exports, inadequate diversification, and economic smallness. [b][color=red]Half or more of the population in the 49 least developed countries listed above are estimated to live at or below the absolute poverty line of U.S. $1 dollar per day."[/b][/color]

We had better get there quickly and give them shoes so rich Catholics don't get too snobby.

Actually scratch that, we don't need as many shoes now, thousands died from AIDS, war and starvation. Perhaps we should have given them more masses so they could EAT... :irate:

Edited by RandomProddy
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[quote name='St. Catherine' date='Jul 9 2004, 07:43 PM'] Dance does not belong in Mass in the Latin rite. It could be that the African dance could be from a different rite. [/quote]

why doesnt it belong? why is it ok for africans to dance but not americans?

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this is what i dont get... the only thing that really seperates dancing at mass and dancing outside of Mass is JEsus. In Mass He is there. so i can't dance in front of JEsus?

if i can't dance during the Mass cause it might "interfere" with Liturgy, then how about....say, Adoration? can i only dance in the ABSENCE of the physical presence of Christ?

In heaven, Jesus is there right? Then can I dance in HEaven? or is that just silly?

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