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Hello all. I would like you to know I am back on phatmass by the great mercy of dUst. I want to thank dUst and let everyone know I am back to help support some of my fellow traditional "brethren".

Oh, and check out my new avitar. Points for whomever can name him first.

Oh...and so this doesn't get moved, a debate issue: I was reading in Catholics Answers something from Keating that says if you only have a choice between two pro abortion candidates, you can chose the one you think is better or will cause less harm. Is it justifiable to do so, considering that there are many non Republican or Democrat candidates in almost every election. Of course, you always have the choice not to vote for anyone.

God bless.

Edited by CatholicCrusader
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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='CatholicCrusader' date='Jul 8 2004, 03:51 PM'] Of course, you always have the choice not to vote for anyone.

God bless. [/quote]
Ah, the classic and timeless, if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

Nice to see you back Crusader!

I haven't a clue who you avatar is, but would like to know!

Pax Christi!


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I will reveal it if no one can figure it out...I'm sure there will be controversy :argue:

Oh and thanks for anything you could have done as far as my request a few weeks back. God bless.

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I know who the Priest is. The avatar is, of course, the late, the great, Father Leonard Feeney! The photograph is in his younger years, however, so that may be a reason that he is hard to be noticed. God bless.

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Who do you think you're fooling, amarkich? It's obvious you and CatholicCrusader are one and the same! :P

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But on a serious note, Fr. Feeney is a heretic who should not be thought highly of. The Church teaches "extra ecclesia nulla salus," but it has NEVER taught it to the degree Fr. Feeney taught it. Anyone who embraces his version of it embraces heresy and has no business receiving the sacraments.

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Adam (amarkich) is my (twin) brother. That is why we have the same birthday. If we were the same person, I wouldn't have worried about the fact that I was suspended and would have just continued posting on the user name amarkich. In any event, yes, my brother is correct, it is Fr. Feeney.

Dave, if it is true Father was a heretic then why was his "excommunication" rescinded without him recanting his belief. The Church has never permitted someone back into the Church if he is a heretic without him recanting his belief. In the Traditional Latin Mass when an adult comes into the Church he denounces all heresies, especially the one he previously was a part of, all of which is done in the strongest terms. Not only was Father Feeney allowed back into the Church, he was never required to do any of that. If a person who was never excommunicated in the first place is required to denounce all heresy (even if no longer required to do so in public, as was the case in the TLM), then why would the Church allow Father Feeney to come back into the Church after he had been excommunicated if he is a heretic? That would cause great scandal if what he believed was heresy, especially since his beliefs were very widespread. He never had to denounce anything he ever said or taught.

In fact, all he had to do was recite the Athanasian Creed (one of the three major Creeds of the Church along with the Nicean and Apostles' Creeds), which begins thus: "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly." It ends, "This is the Catholic Faith, which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved." If Father Feeney was a heretic based on his "interpretation" of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, then why would the Pope have him recite this Creed, which makes it clear that no one can be saved except within the bosom of the Church. All others "[i]without doubt[/i] shall perish everlastingly."

On another note, if this interpretation of EENS is incorrect, then he was probably "invincibly ignorant" anyway! :rotfl:

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