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Prayer At Abortion Clinics?


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at our church, we go to an abortion clinic a couple times a year... but the place changes everytime

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Jake Huether

[quote name='Colleen' date='Jul 7 2004, 11:28 PM'] Well, that's good to hear.

I have to drive past the abortion clinic almost all the time (there's no other route). So I say three Hail Mary's as I pass by. [/quote]
Me too! There's an abortion clinic (Planned Parenthood) on the way to work that I pass. I say the St. Micheal prayer and a Hail Mary.

There's group of peeps that stand outside there on Saturdays with pickets etc. I would like to join them and say the Rosary. I will once my wife and I get a washer and drying. For now I'm stuck going to my parents house on Saturday mornings to do wash. LOL.

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i've done it. actually, the US Bishops have asked every parish to pray for the closing of an abortion mill in their city/state. if everyone did it, maybe we could close them all down.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Is there a state by state list of "abortion mills" (I think that term is still too light and we should refer to them as "baby-slaughterhouses")? I'd like to find out what's in my area so I can go pray for the unborn and help the mothers who are in the situation where they think they need to kill their child.

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thanks, Remnant- I just wasn't sure, ya know? When we went this week, I was actually following the abortion doctor in (he drives a black BMW), and I had one of those really big surges of energy and wanted to accelerate and hit the back of his car (I promise, I'm not an angry person at all :), I just get so darn frusterated)... I think something that would be almost more powerful than "harsh" signs would be to just stand out there with a poster that says something like "God Bless and Keep You and Your Baby." Another thing that makes me really mad is that the sign to our abortion clinic (it's called the "Women's Pavillion, and I thought it was a clothing store for women or something until we went to start praying there...) and building are both pink. PINK! That is my favorite color, and it just doesn't make sense that you would have such a happy color on a such a terrible place. I think it should be black (not that that's a bad color, it just seems more appropriate)!

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what makes me mad is the fact they call them "Health Care Centers". *snorts* yeah, right.

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yea i agree not calling it a clinic, like someone else said, it's habit, kinda like when we say "Doctors".

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I go at least every wednesday to the infamous George Tiller's abortion mill. (We call him "Killer Tiller"). He is one of only a few abortionists that perform late term and partial birth abortions. About half of the women that come to the mill are from other states. That's why Wichita is sometimes called the "Abortion Capital" of the world. Even women from other countries have heard of him and this mill!

I go with my babies and pray the Rosary and sometimes a Chaplet or the Stations of the Cross. I just want to cry when I go there, but go there I must!

[color=blue]"Not only for every idle word must man render an account, but for every idle silence." - St. Ambrose [/color]

So I go with my babies and cry for the little one's who were never able to draw breath and hope whoever goes in next sees the sign on my double stroller "Please don't hurt someone like me." (Pete likes to play with the tape that holds it on there and it falls off a lot.)

And then I wonder why I am the only one out there sometimes. I totally agree with Operation Rescue when they say "If you think abortion is murder...ACT LIKE IT!"

[color=red]"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality." - Dante [/color]

Lord Have Mercy on Us!!

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I remember talking to a priest who when he was in toronto would often protest and pray at the Abortion mills. He remember one time when he was protesting down the street came more protesters then they had carrying a sign saying "Save the Seals!" and they arrived on their march at the Abortion mill. He thought to himself if there could only be that many people as concerned about abortion as seals.

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there is one in Louisville Kentucky. I have been to it a few times. the right to life group of dubois county goes there every few months. It is the most horrable thing that I have ever experianced. all you can do is pray.

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I once prayed at a mill once. We held up a huge sign with a baby in a blanket with the word "life" on it in large letters. Most of the people yelled or screamed some obscene phrase. Kinda funny how pictures can elicit so much hatred in everyone.

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I haven't prayed in front of an abortion "clinic" yet, but I really, really want to do so.

God bless,


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Hi mamalove,

God bless you for your efforts. If I lived in the same area as you, I'd go with you all the time.

May I use that St. Ambrose quote in the future? I like it.

God bless,


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