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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Ronald Reagan


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Since some of us never venture out of debate, I am posting this in Open Mic as well.

Regardless of what political party you fall under, this is a very moving
photo gallery of Ronald Reagan after his death. A lot of the photos were
taken by their personal photographers it appears.

and peace on earth.


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Ronald Reagan was a great man and an awesome leader. Did you know that his dad was a devout Roman Catholic? Ronald Reagan along with Pope John Paul II brought down the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe allowing freedom for millions. He also held morality close to his heart. He was against abortion, against gay marriage, and against the anti-Christian Soviets. This last month has been hard for the conservative community, yet we will triumph this November for our hero, Ronald Wilson Reagan. God Bless America.

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very moving photos. my personal favorites - 18, 21, 26, 41, 59, 73, 79, and especially 92.

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I remember when the hostages came home and touched down (does anyone remember ?) on US soil to thousands of cheering people waving American Flags and yellow ribbons.

I remember waiting there for what seemed like hours for them to go by on that bus, waving back at us.

They came to my home town first.
Where Washingtons Headquarters are.
That day I became a patriot.
That day I thanked God for being born in this country.
That day I thanked Ronald Reagan.

I was just a little kid, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

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