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Pentecostal Haters


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Do you believe God intended us all to believe different and contradicting things about him?
Remember there are 22 different branches in the Catholic Church.

2nd Quote above from cmotherofpirl from another thread.

And you's talk about us having different beliefs when there are 22 different branches in the Catholic church?

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All the branches are under the authority of the Pope, with one faith and one Baptism.

The differences are in the Mass services. Not the beliefs. That is why it is the katholicos (universal) Church.

THe newest is the Anglican rite, for the many whole Churches that converted when the Anglicans started ordaining women.

Its still the same Church in beliefs.

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6. No

Don't you see? If you believe that Catholicism shouldn't have a right to say "we believe the truth, and you don't", then what makes it okay for you to say, "Christians have the truth, and Muslims don't"?

It's the same thing!

God bless.

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Welcome welcome! Come in Come in! I'm a little late, but I was detained by the Spanish Inquisition, which, of course, I was not expecting.

I am sure what I am about to say has been covereed, but I like the look of my own typing.

The Catholic Church does not deny truth, no matter who says it, even Billy Graham or the Doobie Brothers. Whatever theological truth is stated by whatever religion, it is truth. Likewise, whatever is untruth no matter by whom it be spoken, it is untruth. Theological truth is not true by virtue of the Church speaking it, rather, by virtue of its truth, the Catholic Church speaks it.

I agree, there is much taught in many rieligions which is true. However, there being but one truth, when there are a verity of teachings, it follows that some must be false. I am certain you believe your religion teaches nothing but the truth, so you must at some point agree that my religion teaches untruth. If you do not agree to this, you must believe that there is either no truth, or that in fact, we totally agree. The latter is absurd, else you would not have bothered posting. The former is unthinkable in a Christian universe, since God is Truth.

Obviously we differ on points of doctrine. Now, if there is no one true religion which teaches all that God wants taught about Himself, you have to accept that God never transmitted His Word to us in a satisfactory manner, something which would rise above human interpretation and preserve for all the Word of God.

I submit to you that the Catholic Church, whose Dogmas have never changed, is this satisfactory transmission. The Catholic Church has stood alone against ancient heresies, has brought us the Bible, has shaped our society so strongly that still, even in these times of Godlessness, Christianity still shapes somewhat the unwilling secular world, and has alone held all the Christ taught, in spite of human failings, in spite of changing leadership, corrupt leadership, weak leadership and the persecutions of the ages. I submit that the Catholic Church alone will stand with Christ when He returns, when all others have abandoned Him for modern notions, for novelties, for, in short, the world.

What great moral strides, I ask you, have we made since the Protestant mutiny?

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  • 5 months later...
  • 10 years later...

if recent protestant behavior is any indication, you may be waiting a while....


10 years and still waiting.

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Hmm.. Most of my family is pentecostal. As in.. all of it.


It's all health and wealth for them. The theology of the cross is almost completely absent. although I'm sure not all pentecostals are like this. Are they part of a sect that splintered off from the Church, yes. Do I hate them, obviously not.


G.K. Chesteron figured that everybody was Catholic in some way, just failed Catholics. Calvinists grabbed the idea of predestination and ran full speed with it until they just became incredibly morbid failed Catholics. Evangelicals grabbed the idea of ecstatic praise and scripture and became very emotional interpretive failed Catholics. 


At the end of the day it makes sense if someone who sees a religious group decides it's all bosh. It makes no sense for a person to run in, steal one of their holy relics and start saying they understand that religion and everything else pertaining to it is bosh. That's the behaviour of a mad man. 

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Ok. I'll explain myself a bit here

I came here to learn about Catholicism, not to be tought about the faults in my own religion. Heck, we may fault we are trying to change that. I havn't come here pointing out all the faults in yours - so pleae don't do that to me!

I am sorry if I accused you of hatred... I didn't mean for it to come out that way - I repent and I am forgiven lol_grin.gif

I didn't come here to have my faith put down. The problem is that my conceptions of Catholism similar to the misconceptions you have of Petnecostalism. You are jugding like you are more holy than us, and authoritive figure which you arnt.

You can't go on saying that the Holy Spirit has bless your church and given you the full truth and not that to ours! You can't try and be God here. We already have one God, which I believe in, One and only one God!

God Bless all your socks off!



FWIW, I don't like you..but that's kinda my nature.

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