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Pentecostal Haters


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You can go on hating us for what we believe in, we don't hate you for what you believe in. We've come to learn about you, not to judge you like you have been doing to us - saying that we are a 'false religion'. We all follow the one God, just different ways!



The pentecostal :D

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Who said we hate you?

Mormons, Jews, Branch Davidians, and Muslims follow the one God too. It doesn't mean that they all have the fullness of truth.

Before you accuse us of judging, you may want to think about the judgeful statements you are making by accusing us of hatred.

God bless.

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Soundguy, no one here hates you, and no one has judged you in any way, shape, or form. But we are NOT going to compromise truth for the sake of getting along. I'm glad you came here to learn. I hope you continue to come here to learn. However, it is NOT hate to point out that which is contrary to the truth; it's LOVE. We're all called to speak the truth in love. The truth is never popular, but it needs to be told.

I'm sorry to see that you've chosen to take things the wrong way despite the fact that I've made it clear that I believe Protestants of every stripe (yes, even Pentecostals) are Christians and thus our brothers in Christ! However, they lack the fullness of truth that Christ has revealed. In other words, they have a lot of it, but not all. Only in the Catholic Church can the COMPLETE truth be found.

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You can go on hating us for what we believe in, we don't hate you for what you believe in. We've come to learn about you, not to judge you like you have been doing to us - saying that we are a 'false religion'. We all follow the one God, just different ways!



The pentecostal :D

Don't you think thats a bit silly?

If anything we feel sorry for you because you have been so misinformed.

Pointing out errors is not judging, condemning you to hell would be.

Big difference.

Jesus did not leave a multitude of ways to follow Him. He left the Church.

Its been the same Church for 2000 years.

By the way Steve, I answered and several others did about how you were misinformed about Catholics believing works will get them to heaven.

Did you ever ansewr my question?

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Ok. I'll explain myself a bit here

I came here to learn about Catholicism, not to be tought about the faults in my own religion. Heck, we may fault we are trying to change that. I havn't come here pointing out all the faults in yours - so pleae don't do that to me!

I am sorry if I accused you of hatred... I didn't mean for it to come out that way - I repent and I am forgiven :D

I didn't come here to have my faith put down. The problem is that my conceptions of Catholism similar to the misconceptions you have of Petnecostalism. You are jugding like you are more holy than us, and authoritive figure which you arnt.

You can't go on saying that the Holy Spirit has bless your church and given you the full truth and not that to ours! You can't try and be God here. We already have one God, which I believe in, One and only one God!

God Bless all your socks off!

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Ok. I'll explain myself a bit here

I came here to learn about Catholicism, not to be tought about the faults in my own religion. Heck, we may fault we are trying to change that. I havn't come here pointing out all the faults in yours - so pleae don't do that to me!

I am sorry if I accused you of hatred... I didn't mean for it to come out that way - I repent and I am forgiven :D

I didn't come here to have my faith put down. The problem is that my conceptions of Catholism similar to the misconceptions you have of Petnecostalism. You are jugding like you are more holy than us, and authoritive figure which you arnt.

You can't go on saying that the Holy Spirit has bless your church and given you the full truth and not that to ours! You can't try and be God here. We already have one God, which I believe in, One and only one God!

God Bless all your socks off!

Several of the people posting to you are former pentecostals, so I doubt if we have too many misconceptions about your church. I have friends who are pentecostals who have been in three different ones so far. Everytime they disagree with their minister, they go off and start a new group.

On the other hand, you seem to have many misconceptions, such as Catholics think they are saved by works.

We can and will continue to say we have the fullness of faith because it happens to be true. Jesus left one Church, with one faith, not many little groups each with their own version and bits of the truth. Its not playing God, its simply the facts.

Each and every protestant group that calls itself christian has somewhat different beliefs, each based on the idea that the bilbe is open to private individual interpretation.

THe unitarians believe that there is only God, and Jesus is not God. Most everybody esle believes in the Trinity. THe Baptists believe once you are saved, you are alweays saved, no matter what you do. Presbyterian Calvinists believe God has predestined only some people and everybody else is damned. THe Mormons believe we will each become little gods and have our own planet. some worship on satuurday, the rest on Sunday. Some keep the laws from the OT, some seem to keep no laws at all. Most all groups believe in divorce, many in abortion, and some condone homosexual activity, even in their bishops.

You cannot ALL be right.

On the other hand, the Catholics says there is only one faith, one set of rules based on the bible ( no divorce etc), one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins, one Holy Apostolic Church.

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I think we should explain our beliefs, instead of pointing to others saying "You are wrong, we are right". (Even though we believe we're right). But if the person is saying things, that require that sort of action...then so be it.

I don't hate Pentecostals, I've been one most of my Christian life (on and off, switched churches and such).

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You can't go on saying that the Holy Spirit has bless your church and given you the full truth and not that to ours! You can't try and be God here. We already have one God, which I believe in, One and only one God!

We can't say that God has given both churches the full truth. The two churches have different doctrines. We share the believe in one and only one God. God is truth. Since there is only one God, there can only be one truth. One of us must be wrong.

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May the peace and love of Christ be with you.

I admire your way of thinking, as I once thought like you. I once believed that as long as we love God, we'll be okay. This may be true, but the question is--how do we know God?

Do you think Christianity contains more truth than Islam? Are Muslims saved? They believe and love God. Are Jews saved? They believe in God, but deny Jesus. Do you believe God intended us all to believe different and contradicting things about him?

This might be the difference in Catholicism. We believe that there is one true faith, and we are one, unified body. When we say that the church contains the fullness of truth, we mean it. If you take that as meaning that your faith does not contain the fullness of truth, then so be it. Just like you probably believe that Christianity contains more truth than Judaism, we believe Catholicism contains more truth than Protestantism.

If you were to be totally fair, then you should really believe that Christianity is equal to all the world's religions: Judaism, Hinduism, Wiccan, etc, etc. Is this what you believe? If not, then you are being as unfair to those religions as you accuse us of being to yours... make sense?

Let's be glad that there is still one, unified church that Christ left us. Maybe you'll come home someday. ;)

God bless.

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We all follow the one God, just different ways!

Interesting. That's what my dad says to justify his adulterly and his use of horroscopes and psyics.

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I'm sorry to see that you've chosen to take things the wrong way ....However, they lack the fullness of truth that Christ has revealed.  In other words, they have a lot of it, but not all.  Only in the Catholic Church can the COMPLETE truth be found.

hahaha...that's how I feel abt YOU! :P

and having been brought up Catholic originally...

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Hello. Phil, Robyn, how come we're doing this? I suppose we have our reasons, but how come we don't have these debates about the Anglicans, the Baptists, the Salvos, the whatever else? See on the YABB, nobody knocks us, or even challenge us on our denominational beliefs.

I believe the Salvos don't take communion or baptise people. (Just throwing a spanner in the works! We don't need to debate about that. I don't know what your thoughts are on that anyway bud.)

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I think we should explain our beliefs, instead of pointing to others saying "You are wrong, we are right".  (Even though we believe we're right).  But if the person is saying things, that require that sort of action...then so be it.

I don't hate Pentecostals, I've been one most of my Christian life (on and off, switched churches and such).

Paladin, my listing of the great variety of protestantism is simply to point out they all cannot be right.

1 Corinthians 14

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace.

Jesus did not leave a do-it-yourself religion, where everybody believes what appeals to them.

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Hello. Phil, Robyn, how come we're doing this? I suppose we have our reasons, but how come we don't have these debates about the Anglicans, the Baptists, the Salvos, the whatever else? See on the YABB, nobody knocks us, or even challenge us on our denominational beliefs.

I believe the Salvos don't take communion or baptise people. (Just throwing a spanner in the works! We don't need to debate about that. I don't know what your thoughts are on that anyway bud.)

We could have debates about them as well.

It comes down to Tradition (ours goes straight back to Jesus and his Apostles), and

authority every time( thou are Peter and upon his rock I will build my Church).

For 1500 years there was no other Church.

What is a salvo?

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