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Life Teen

1337 k4th0l1x0r

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[quote name='traichuoi' date='Jul 30 2004, 02:52 AM'] i'm sorry to call you on this Cmom but i don't think you can generalize the LIFE TEEN program. I think there's LIFE TEEN at St. Tim's, parishes like St. Tim's, parishes who try to be like St. Tim's, and parishes who use parts of the LT model and tweak it to be not so based on emotions. i'm a youth minister of the latter.

the reason why i say this is because i was challenged in my faith as a college student by a LIFE TEEN program. but this program was unlike the "St. Tim's" LIFE TEEN program.

I think you are correct in sayng that the model of LIFE TEEN has its flaws. in my humble opinion LIFE TEEN has some great, sound, orthodox catechesis happening with great development of teens on other levels. (i.e., the discipleship training outline they provide...and not the one they do at notre dame which i don't care for). i also believe that the LIFE TEEN model is weak at forming the teens' prayer life. i agree that it is too focused on the emotion without introduction to the various forms of prayer that help us to draw into deeper contemplation and centering of the self on Christ and not emotion or the ego.

but as i've said before, there's no use in posting in these threads that come up every month or so and complain and complain while not trying to do something about it. and trust me, you don't have to be the youth minister to do something about it. i have alot of people who support me taking the LT model and making it more reverent and with greater depth in prayer...and that helps alot!!!

Cmom, no personal attack on you but i just had to call out this hasty generalization because not all LT programs are like St. Tim's... [/quote]
I think you miss my point. I am not complaining, I am asking a simple question. :)

I simply want to know what happens when you grow up and go to regular MAss like the rest of us?

When you are no longer special and catered to?

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[quote]I think you miss my point. I am not complaining, I am asking a simple question. 

I simply want to know what happens when you grow up and go to regular MAss like the rest of us?

When you are no longer special and catered to? [/quote]

i'm sorry i took it as complaining...however,

i think the entire "simple question" actually is more of you calling out people with a hasty generalization while putting a label on them when you don't know their hearts or the depth of their faith...it's a judgement.

i don't understand the comment on being "special and catered to" as well as "the rest of us" comment...can you please explain those because they seem to be condescending as well as trying to make a statement that's pharisee-like...and i'm sure that's not how you want it to come across...

a youth ministry program and one such as the one i run does not cater to the teens although it does focus on the teens. hence, "youth" ministry.

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i've always gone to mass...didn't know there was a "regular" mass that "others" attend. i actually am working with my pastor to make it less contemporary and more traditional. our parish actually did away with the altar gather over a year ago and have finally done away with the "mass never ends" saying....i am staunchly against using protestant music in mass and am very cautious about using certain contemporary Christian music in worship outside of mass.

like i said before, you are making a huge generalization.

thanks for trying to make me look like just a complainer. charitable. :)

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oh, i attend daily mass regularly (and yes, mass without music and sometimes with dull, dry homilies and i love it).

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[quote name='traichuoi' date='Jul 31 2004, 10:41 PM']

like i said before, you are making a huge generalization.

thanks for trying to make me look like just a complainer.  charitable.  :) [/quote]

I was simply tring to get honest answers to several questions I have. :)
I know several people who have gone from lifeteen type Masses to generic groups.
I suggest you go back and read your posts.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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our priest is like from japan or something he is really hard to understand so everytime he does a homily I dont know what he is talking about! :sadder:

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Jul 31 2004, 08:12 PM']

I was simply tring to get honest answers to several questions I have. :)
I know several people who have gone from lifeteen type Masses to generic groups.
I suggest you go back and read your posts. [/quote]
okay...sorry for the misunderstanding...

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[quote name='*teen4Christ*' date='Jul 31 2004, 10:45 PM'] our priest is like from japan or something he is really hard to understand so everytime he does a homily I dont know what he is talking about! :sadder: [/quote]
Really? That's awesome!

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There was a priest at the parish I went to life teen at who was from India, and the pastor is originally from Ireland.

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